chapter six

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I wouldn't really call this a chapter or whatever but this is really just mainly talking about everybody's reactions to Summer being pregnant so yeah. This chapter is actually ass.


It was Monday morning. The last day of school before graduation, which was Thursday. Me and Summer had been sleeping in my car since yesterday when her mom put us out. This morning we snuck back in after her mom went to work to take a shower and stuff and get some more clothes.

" You plan on telling Danielle today ? " i asked Summer. We hadn't told anybody about her pregnancy yet.

" Yeah probably .. when you gone talk to Mykel and Deshaun ? "

" I'll tell them today. It don't matter. "

I parked the car and we walked into school acting like everything was okay.

" I'll see you at lunch. " i kissed Summer on her forehead.

Me and Summer were dating now. But it wasn't just because of the baby. I meant what I said when I told her I needed her. I loved her and I just wanted to show her how much. But, that ended in me busting a nut in her and giving her a baby.

Mykel walked up to me, " So you kissing Summer on the forehead is a thing best friends do now ? "

" Where shaun at? " i straight dodged his question not wanting to get into detail.

" You and Summer fucking with each other now ain't you ? "

I swear this nigga is a mind reader or a psychic or some shit.

" How you know ? "

" Nigga i been known you since elementary and you ignored my question. Since when though? "

" Since I gave her a baby. " i whispered.

" A baby ? " his jaws dropped to the floor.

" Nigga shut the fuck up lower your voice. "

The bell rung .

" I'll talk to you about it later don't say shit to nobody about it not even shaun. " i pointed at him.


I honestly didn't want to tell anybody about me being pregnant but Danielle was my other best friend so it would be wrong of me if i didn't talk to her about it. But, I waited til Gym block to tell her.

" Danielle come here. " I dragged her by her arm and into the girls locker room with me.

" What girl wassup ? "

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for her reaction and judgment.

" Bitch you good ?  Who ass I need to beat ? You taking deep breaths like something wrong. " she held her fists up.

" I'm pregnant "

She stood there with a blank expression on her face.

" Come again. " she leaned toward me, holding her ear.

" Danielle, I'm pregnant. With Bryson's baby. "

she busted out laughing, " Where the cameras at ? Am I being punked ? " she look all up and down the locker room searching for cameras.

" It's no joke, I'm serious. " I pulled one of the pregnancy tests out of my backpack.

" Bitch. I could kick your pregnant ass right now. Bryson's baby ? What happened to y'all just being 'best friends' ? "

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