chapter one

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Today is my first day at GreenView high as a Senior. My mom was a traveling nurse and we moved almost every year.

" Bye mom, I'll be fine. " i sighed, getting out of the car.

" I know you will, baby. Call me later. " she blew kisses at me.

" Stop, you're embarrassing me already. Leave." I turned around on the back of my heals and walked into the school building.

I took a glance at my schedule to see where my locker was and when I found it I walked over to it and stuffed my backpack in it.

When I closed my locker some girl with long hair was standing behind it.

" Shit, you scared me. " i put my hand over my heart.

" Hi, I'm Danielle and You must be the new girl. " she smiled.

" Yeah, hey my name is Summer. " I introduced myself.

" Can I see your schedule? "

I gave her my schedule and she scanned through it.

" Oh We've only got Gym and 2nd block together. Do you know where your first block class is ? "

" No, could you help me find it ? " I asked.

" Sure. The bell is about to ring and you don't wanna be late. Ms. Hawkins doesn't take tardiness well, even for new students. "

She walked me to my class and told the teacher who I was.

" This is her. See you next block. " she waved to me and walked off.

I walked in the class and went to stand by the teachers desk.

" Where do I sit? "

" Before I assign your seat, Introduce yourself to the class. " she stated.

This is the part I hated about transferring schools. Introducing myself.

" Um.. well my name is Summer and I moved here from Michigan. " i kept it short and simple.

" Good. Well you can sit over there behind Bryson, the boy in the black hat. An Mr. Tiller take your hat off you know the rules. " she pointed over to him.

I walked to my designated seat and sat down putting my small binder under my desk.

" Wassup new girl. " Bryson turned around.

" My name is Summer like I said up there and hey. "

" Ooh damn my bad Summer. "

Rude ass boy.


It was now Gym block and this is the second class I had with Danielle.

" Hey Summer, over here. " she called out to me.

I walked to where she was in the bleachers and sat down.

" Hey, when is lunch I'm starving. " I didn't eat breakfast this morning so that was why.

" In about 30 minutes. And don't worry, you don't have to introduce yourself in this class. We hardly do anything here, Coach Cook just calls roll and we sit and talk until lunch.

" Good because I don't feel like doing anything."

" So what brought you to GreenView ? " she asked.

" My mom's job takes us everywhere so we had to move down here for a year, but I'm originally from Atlanta. "

A group of girls walked over to where we were sitting and started talking to Danielle.

" Y'all this is the new girl, Summer. Summer this is Olivia, Madison and Jordan. " she pointed at all three of them.

" Hey girl. "

" Hey. "

30 minutes had passed and it was finally time to go to lunch.

I got my lunch tray and just sat anywhere because I couldn't find Danielle and the rest of the girls.


" Aye, y'all met the new girl yet ? " I asked my boys.

" I did and she is fine as hell. " Deshaun said.

" Damn right. But she got a smart mouth. " I scanned the lunchroom with my eyes looking for her and I caught her sitting by herself.

" I'm bout to go over there and holler at her. "

" You ain't bout to get that Nigga don't even try. it. " Mykel shook his head.

" Oh, bet ? "

I grabbed my tray and went over to where Summer was sitting and sat down.

" Can I help you? " she said with an attitude.

" Nah I just wanted to sit with you I can't do that? "

" Whatever. " she rolled her eyes.

She seemed so mean.

" So, new girl, where you from? "

" I told you my name is Summer and Atlanta. " she responded.

" Summer, " i kissed my teeth, " My bad I forgot. "

" Don't come over here trying to spit game but acting rude and arrogant while you're at it. "

Before I could say anything back to her, Danielle and her stanky ass friends walked over to us.

" Bryson leave Summer alone I'm sure she doesn't wanna be bothered by you. " Danielle shooed me away.

" Shutup D ain't nobody ask you. " I laughed and walked back over to the boys.

" What I told you? " Mykel laughed.

" Whatever nigga, I'll have her number by the end of the day. " I smirked.


It was dismissal hour and I still didn't have her number. I was gone get it though I just don't know when.

I dapped up Mykel and Deshaun and walked out the classroom. I saw Summer in her locker and decided to go over there and speak to her.

" Hey, Summer. " I put emphasis on Summer.

" What do you want now? "

" Chill I just came to apologize about how I was acting trying to come on to you today. " i apologized.

" It's fine. " she said, closing her locker.

" So, can I take you home ? "

" Um my mom is supposed to come get me. "

" Come on, I'll take you straight home. "

" Okay. I'll let my mom know, but if you try something I got 911 on speed dial I'm deadass."

I laughed, " You don't have to worry about that I promise. "

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