Chapter XVIII

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"Music speaks to everyone's hearts." ~Asuka Tanaka (Hibike! Euphonium)

We appeared in Atlantica. Sora was a merman, Donald was a half-squid, half-duck, Goofy was a sea turtle, and I was a mermaid. Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian appeared. "Sora! Donald! Goofy! Sakura!" Ariel greeted.

She swam around Sora and he struggled to stay up at Ariel's level. "Uh hey there," he gasped.

"You forget how to swim already?" She giggled.

"Kind of, I guess" he laughed nervously.

"'Den you all got to practice!" Sebastian yelled. "You follow Flounder-he'll show you what to do."

"C'mon, Sora, you can do it!" Flounder encouraged.

Flounder taught Sora the ropes on how to swim and he caught on pretty quickly. "That's much better!" He sighed as he swam around more gracefully this time.

"Now den...what brings you four into de sea?" Sebastian asked. "Is somethin' going on?"

"Kind of," Sora replied.

"But everything SEEMS peaceful," Goofy noticed.

Goofy was right. Not a Heartless was in sight. Even the beings of this world seemed relaxed. There was no tension to be felt. It was...kind of nice actually. "Oh, everything's long as Daddy's in a good mood," Ariel sighed.

"Hey, we got us a concert very soon," Sebastian said. "Why don't you sing in my musical extravaganza?" Sebastian approached us and continued in a hushed whisper, "Please say yes! Ariel's been actin' strange lately. But she might settle down and practice if you're dere, too."

"That sounds fun!" Donald nodded.

"Yeah!" I grinned. "Much better than hunting down Heartless, that's for sure!"

"Let's give it a shot!" Sora replied.

"Excellent!" Sebastian smiled. "Now den, I teach you everything you need!"

"Er, what do we have to do?" Sora asked.

"It's easy!" Sebastian assured. "All you gotta do is feel de rhythm! Hear de beat and put a little shake in it! Ready? Let's go!"

Music began to play from somewhere as Sora began to move his body to the beat before doing a flip and ending it with his arms wide and a awkward smile plastered across his face. "Dat's it!" Sebastian nodded. "Okay, Donald. Your turn. You do just like Sora. Den he see what you got."

Donald began to move his body and do the same exact flip as Sora and even the same ending pose. "Dat's it!" Sebastian continued. "Goofy, it's you, now. You think you can do better?"

Goofy swayed to the beat before flipping and posing the same way Sora and Donald did."Dat's it!" Sebastian smiled. "Sakura, your turn now!"

Deciding to be a little more original than the previous three, I began to bop my body along to the music began spinning around in a circle and ending with my right arm stretched upwards. "Dat's it!" Sebastian said. "Dis time you gonna dance with Ariel! Remember, don't miss de beat!"

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