Chapter XXI

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"Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow! And dishonor on the Fa family!" ~Muhsu (Mulan)
We decided to revisit an old world we had visited previously, so off to the Land of Dragons we go. After getting off our ship, we were back in the ruined village by the summit where we fought Shun-Yu. "I wonder how everybody's doin'?" Goofy asked as we wandered through the ruins.

"Look!" Donas pointed.

We paused in our tracks to see a cloaked figure standing at the edge of the village. They stared at us momentarily before dashing off up into the summit. "Wait!" Sora cried, preparing to pursue the figure.

"Sora! Sakura!" Another voice called for us. We turned to see Mulan running up to us, bending over and panting once she had reached us.

"Mulan, hey," Sora greeted. "No time to talk. We gotta catch that guy!"

Once Mulan recovered, her gaze turned serious as she walked ahead of us. "I'm following him, too!" She stated.

"Then let's go!" Donald said.

We then began our trek up landed the summit, which, let me tell you, was much easier than the first time we went up there. Well, for me at least. Since I wasn't wearing armor like the last time. Boy, I wasn't missing wearing those pieces of metal on my body. Yeah, sure, we still had to tread through the fresh fallen snow, but it wasn't so bad. If we leave out the moment someone made every once in a while that they're feet was going to be frostbitten if we don't hurry up.

Mulan tapped our shoulders and pointed. There, the figure ran up the ridge and we followed, but we lost him as soon as we found him. "Looks like he got away," Mulan sighed as she looked around.

"How come you're after somebody from Organization XIII?" Goofy asked.

"What is that?" Mulan questioned.

"The guy in black," Sora replied.

"One of the bad guys!" Donald added.

"I knew it!" Mulan stated. "There's a rumor in the Imperial City about a spy in black, lurking in the mountains. I'd been up here tracking him, but when you arrived, I lost him."

"Sorry!" Goofy guiltily dropped his head.

"Don't apologize," Mulan smiled. "But I do wonder where he went." Mulan stared at the top of the summit, eyes narrowed, as if she was sensing something. We followed her gaze to see an army of yellow aerial bird Heartless making its way to us.

"Oh no!" I groaned.

"Again?" Donald sighed as he dropped his shoulders.

"Okay, first things first!" Sora shouted as we charged up the summit in order to battle the Heartless.

The Heartless were an absolute pain to take out. Not saying taking out the Heartless is a pain already but aerial Heartless? Do you know how hard to is to keep jumping around in the air and attacking blindly, hoping you take down a few of them? Because that's what I did and it is torture. I noticed Sora wasn't with us and when I glanced around, I saw he was fighting the figure that we were pursuing earlier.

After what seemed like hours, the army was vanquished but Sora had ran on ahead, down from the summit where we were on, muttering something to himself. Once he had stopped and we had caught up to him, Donald reached out, "Are you okay, Sora?"

"Did you get 'em?" Goofy asked.

"Hmm...oh-he's gone," Sora replied.

"What?!" Donald shrieked. "You lost him?"

"Anyway...what now?" Sora changed the subject.

"I think that we better get rid of all the Heartless first," Goofy suggested. Donald nodded with agreement.

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