Chapter I

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"She's not small. In my heart, her existence isn't small." ~Zero Kiryuu (Vampire Knight)
Ansem sat on a chair by a table with Naminè sitting in the other side. He had his hood up so she can't see who he look like, even though she knows what happened to him and what he look like underneath the hood. She sighed, "I have good news and bad news. What will you liked to hear first?"

"Good news," Ansem replied.

"Alright," Naminè nodded as she lifted her sketchbook up off the table. "The good news is that Sora's memories are completely repaired. Now we need Roxas to go back to him to get the rest of his memories back. The bad news is that Sakura's memories are not coming back."

"What?" Ansem demanded. "I thought you said--"

"I was mistaken," Naminè dropped her head. "I had forgotten that I redid Sakura's memories before Sora's, so hers won't come back if Sora's does. I need to repair them myself. If she doesn't remember, then she can't use the Keyblade besides for weaving."

"Is there anything to can do to the back some of her memories in the little time we have left?" Ansem asked. "As long as she remembers how to use the Keyblade, I think that's all that really matters."

"Maybe I can look into the hearts of the people she knew and collect memories from them, then link back the old ones in her heart," Naminé proposed. "She won't forget memories of me and Castle Oblivion, like Sora, and it won't take that long to do. Plus, if she goes to places that she has fond memories of, that will help her out."

"Alright," Ansem sighed. "How long before DiZ discovers that your job is done on Sora?"

"A couple of days, at most," Naminé shrugged.

"I have one question for you," Ansem asked. "How come, unlike the others, that I didn't forget Saki?"

"That is beyond my knowledge that I can answer that," Naminé shook her head. "My best guess is that you were so strongly connected to her that you didn't forget her."

"I see," Ansem nodded. "Thank you Naminé for this meeting today."


I sat up in my bed, just waking up. I blinked as I stretched, smacking my lips as I glanced as my reflection in my full-length mirror, seeing the terrible bedhead I had. I smiled to myself softly before getting up and out of bed and walking towards it, the wooden floor feeling cool against my bare feet.

I looked at my reflection of my body in the mirror before putting a hand on the mirror. Naminé told me that my memories should return when Sora's memories come back, but I still recall nothing then what I already have.

"Hey there," I spoke to myself in the mirror. "You on the other side of the mirror, I know that you belong in this world and I am just a reflection. So..." I pressed my forehead against the cool glass and closed my eyes. "How long are you still going to stay there on the other side?" I laughed softly to myself. "I really like to go back. I'm...really tired of seeing him look at me and know that I am not you, but I am at the same time. But, I know that I am not you, and I'm tired of filling your shoes. Please come back to the other side so I can return and become the mirror child again."

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