Chapter XXXIII

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"If you wanna make people dream, you've gotta start by believing in that dream yourself!" ~Siya Kanie (Amagi Brilliant Park)
We were at outside the Organization's main base, near the area where Riku and I fled to when we were being pursued by Saïx. Ah, the memories. Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, and I were walking around outside the main base where skyscrapers surrounded us. "Axel said Kairi's in the dungeon," Sora explained.

"Then we better find a way to get to that castle!" King Mickey replied.

As King Mickey ran into the Fragment Crossing, we followed. It suddenly began to rain, I held my hand out and looked up to see the giant, yellow, heart-shaped moon in the sky as lightning cracked within the dark clouds and thunder boomed. Samurai Nobodies appeared in front of Donald, Goofy and I. Donald cried, "Sora!"

Sora turned around to see the current predicament we were in. "Donald! Goofy! Saki!" He shouted. Sora suddenly stopped and turned his head back and in the next second, vanished. "SORA!" I screamed as I summoned my Keyblade. I stabbed each of the Samurai Nobodies through the sides, slaying them with one strike. once we were freed, we ran up to Sora. He was still looking back, tears dripping down his face. I tilted my head to the side, confused as I waved my hand in front of Sora's face. "Sora?" I asked.

Sora didn't respond and still looked like he was in a trance. I snapped my finger in front f his face, and that literally snapped him out of it. "You make a good other," he muttered.

"Are you okay?" Donald asked.

"'re crying..." I whispered.

"I am?" Sora replied as he wiped his eyes to discover that he indeed was crying. "What...just happened?"

"Gawrsh, I dunno," Goofy shrugged. "You just disappeared. Then Saki fought off the Nobodies."

"Oh," Sora said softly. "He said...he defeated Riku..."

"Who said that?" Donald questioned.

"That guy," Sora continued. "In the black coat."

"But nobody could defeat Riku," Donald said.

"Y...Yeah, you're right," Sora reluctantly agreed.

"A black coat means Organization XIII," Goofy pointed out. "He musta been tryin' to trick ya."

"Yeah, that must be why we didn't see him!" Donald nodded. "You must be tired, Sora."

"C'mon, let's just find a way to get into that castle!" Goofy yelled.

We then continued our way towards the Organization's main base. Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey and I were at the entrance of the Organization's main base. But it was so far away, and there was no stairs leading up to the entrance. As we began to formulate a plan in how we are getting up there, a bright light emitted from one of the rooms in the castle. Sora covered his eyes as our Keyblades appeared in our hands. Pointing them at the bottom of the base, two beams of light came out from the tips and a see-through turquoise ramp appeared. Sora went up into the stairs and yelled, "Kairi...we're almost there," Sora muttered.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey and I climbed the ramp up and entered the castle."Kairi!" Sora shouted. "Where are you?"

"Shhh!" King Mickey shushed Sora. "Remember where we are! This is their stronghold!"

King Mickey ran on ahead and Donald cried out, "Wait! Your Majesty!"

In the distance, I heard the sound of the Nobodies appearing. Sora, Donald, Gioofy and I took a defensive stance. "Be careful!" Goofy said. "I think we got company!"

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