Chapter XXXV

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"If all our problems could be solved by sorry, we would not have war and we wouldn't need soldiers..." ~Kanmi Chidori (Full Metal Panic)
As we made our way through the castle, we looked back up at Kingdom Hearts to see a green laser going through the gigantic moon. "What's that?" Sora asked.

"That's the King and DiZ-I mean, Ansem the Wise," Riku explained. "They're higher up. We'd better hurry."

Continuing onward, we ran right into Saïx facing out through the window that was basically a wall of glass, staring at the nearly completed Kingdom Hearts while holding onto his claymore. Hearing us, he turned around and spoke, "Only you could have made it this far in once piece...Roxas."

"That's really getting old!" Sora shouted.

Goofy and Donald stepped in front of Sora, arms spread in order to protect Sora.  "Yeah!" Donald yelled. "He's Sora!"

Sora smiled with full confidence. Saïx raised an amused brow as he lifted his claymore, making a click! noise. The tip of the claymore, which is is a blue ring with dark-blue edges and lined by seven spikes suddenly disconnected from the main blade but still remained close to it. Saïx swung the claymore and held the weapon behind him as Sora, Donald, Goofy and I drew our weapons, preparing for a fight. "Different name, same fate," he stated.

Suddenly, a Corridor of Darkness opened between Riku and Kairi and Sora, Donald Goofy and I. We turned go see what's going on and Luxord stepped out. He smirked and snapped his fingers as two sets of cards appeared in front of Riku and Kairi along with Donald and Goofy. The back of the cards was a dotted gradient black with the Nobody logo on it. The cards began to circle around them faster as Luxord snapped his fingers again and the circle of cards parted, Riku, Kairi, Donald nor Goofy were no where in sight.

"You!" Sora shouted.

"I'd rather we just skip the formalities," Luxord smirked.

An invisible barrier went up between Sora and I. I turned around when I heard it come up and banged on it and Sora did the same on his side. We pressed our hands on the barrier like it was a glass window, our hands lining up before we turned back around and faced our enemies; Saïx and I, and Luxord and Sora. "Sora," I said. "I'll try to finish my battle quickly and help you out."

"Likewise, I'll do the same," Sora replied.

I now directed my full attention to Saïx, glaring hard at him as I tightened my grip on the Keyblade. "Fortunately for you, the battle will be quick," Saïx stated. "Unfortunately for you, it will end in your demise!"

Immediately, I bolted forward, our weapons clashing as we stood, trying to overpower one another. "You know, I was once the prey and you were the predator," I growled. "Now that I've returned as the predator, I wonder who will win the fight?"

"You sure you still aren't the prey?" Saïx retorted as he pulled back and swept his claymore, aiming for my feet. I quickly jumped backwards to avoid the attack.

"You can't use the same trick twice!" I shouted, remembering our encounter in the train station.

"Do you feel it? The moon's power?" Saïx murmured as he spread his arms and began to levitate, the room darkening in the process. "Moon, shine down!"

Saïx glowed and let out a battle cry as he landed, looking up at me. His eyes were completely yellow, the scar on his forehead was jagged, and his hair flared up. He sprinted forward, swinging is claymore at me. I moved my body side to side in order to avoid his blows, but all it did was reduce the damage my body took, as he still hit my shoulders. I then summoned my Keyblade and began to block my attacks with them, swinging back once to throw him off balance. That seemed to knock him back into his senses as he was restored to how he usually was but I took that opportunity to land a strike on him.

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