Chapter XLII

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"The difference between the novice and the master is that the master as failed more times than the novice has tried." ~Korosensei (Assassination Classroom)
As we all sat in silence, Yen Sid eyed Lea. " he on our side?" He stated, referring to Lea. Yen Sid knew Lea as one of the members of Organization XIII and hasn't heard about his reform yet.

I stood in front of Lea, hands out as I assured Yen Sid, "Yes, he is. I know, Master. He's my friend."

Yen Sid looked unsure as he glanced over to Lea once more. Lea looked nervous as he nodded. Yen Sid finally gave an approving nod and closed his eyes. I sighed with relief as Donald and Goofy walked over to me. "Gawrsh, Sakura, you seem pretty relaxed around Axel," Goofy stated.

"Name's Lea," Lea stated, pinching the bridge of his nose, tired of correcting people with his name.

"You friends with him?" Donald asked. "You two are kinda close for Lea just switching sides."

"We know each other before that," I shrugged.

"Huh?" Both gave me a confused look.

"Does this have to do with the fact you're from Radiant Garden?" Donald asked.

"Hold up-Sakura, you're from Radiant Garden?!" Lea cried as he approached me.

"Yup," I nodded.

"I'm from there as well!" Lea pointed to himself.

"Wow, really?" I gasped. "I don't remember running into you there. Though, I don't remember much from my past."

"If not from Radiant Garden," Goofy continued. "Then where?"

"That's a long story in of itself," I turned away from the two and walked back over to Sora. "I'll tell you some other time."

I looked down at Sora as Lea pulled over a chair and sat on it, his chin resting on the back of it and King Mickey joined us as we watched Sora. His face moved as he slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he got up slowly. "Mornin', Sleepy," I teased as Lea waved at him.

"Where...? What...?" He yawned.

"Really long story," I said. "Riku will explain everything to you once he gets back."

Hearing Sora, Donald and Goofy tackled him into a hug. "Sora!" They cried.

"Whoa!" Sora yelled as he fell down on his bottom. "Donald? Goofy? Is that you?"

"You're awake!" Goofy grinned as he hugged Sora once again.

"Here, take this," Donald handed Sora a party hat along with giant glasses that had a red rose and mustache attached to it. "You'll need it!"

"For what?" Sora asked as Goofy helped him up and they led him over to a small table where a stand of small cakes, a steaming teapot, and teacups sat on. Sora's face lit up as he sat down, putting on the accessories as the three began to help themselves to whatever was on the table.

I gave them all confused looks as I looked back to where Sora was and to where he, Donald and Goofy were at now. "How...?" I started, looking back over at lea to see if he knew anything about this.

"Don't look at me," Lea shrugged.

I looked back down to where Sora was sleeping at to see Riku lying down, asleep as well. Riku slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he took in his surroundings. "Riku!" King Mickey cried as Yen Sid stood up and joined us to where we were at.

Riku sat up suddenly, "Sora!"

We looked over to where Sora, Donald, and Goofy were sitting at, enjoying their tea and cakes. "Hey, Donald!" Sora yelled. "Come on, you're hogging it all!"

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