Chapter XIII

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"There is nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway." ~Shoura Aisawa (My Hero Academia)
We landed our Gummi Ship in Halloween Town, where it was forever Halloween. We were dressed up in the same costumes when we here last year. Sora was a vampire, Donald was a mummy, Goofy was Frankenstein, and I was a witch. "Are you sure this is Halloween Town?" Goofy asked.

"Yeah, it is," Sora replied. "Why are you asking?"

" doesn't seem very Halloween right now," Goofy remarked.

"Maybe-whoa!" Sora shouted.

Something flew last us. Donald screamed, Goofy covered his eyes and trembled, and Sora cried out, "Hey, it's Zero! How've you been boy?"

Zero, Jack's ghost dog, flew around us and into town square. Maybe Jack sent him to us to take us somewhere? We followed Zero into town square. Something didn't feel right. "Guys..." I started. "This town feels empty."

There were no Halloween decorations, no dancing Heartless, nothing. Maybe it's only like that during Halloween. Something few across the sky. "It's Jack!" Sora gasped.

Jack Skellington was riding in a sled pulled by some reindeer made out of bones. He landed on a ramp by the square. "Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sakura!" He cried happily. "Welcome back, and Merry Christmas!"

Huh? Christmas? Well, that explains why there are no Halloween decorations up. "So, it's not Halloween?" I asked.

"No, it isn't," Jack sighed. "But I, Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King, has been tasked with running another show-but I need Sandy Claws blessing, so I'm off to see him in Christmas Town."

"'Sandy Claws'?" Sora asked.

"I think he means Santa Claus," Goofy mentioned.

"Aren't these decorations wonderful?" Jack bragged. "This year Halloween Town is going to handle Christmas too!  But first, we have to visit Sally. She's working on something no self-respecting Santa Claus can do without. Come along-I'll show you!"

"A Halloween Town Christmas..." I muttered. Even though it was Christmas, most of the decorations still looked terrifying. "Let's go check it out."

"C'mon!" Jack waved us to follow him.

We followed Jack into the laboratory where Lock, Shock, and Barrel were "helping" Dr. Finkelstein. Sally was in the corner of the room working on something. Lock the devil, Shock the witch, and Barrel the skeleton threw an object into the table and it exploded. They laughed an ran off. Sally sighed. "You imbeciles!" Dr. Finkelstein shouted. "Now my experiment is ruined!"

Jack went up to Sally. "Sally! Did you finish it?" He asked joyfully. "I want to show it to my good friends."

"I'm sorry, Jack," she replied. "I...I need a bit more time."

"Ohh...well, that's all right," Jack slumped. "Just as long it's ready for Christmas!"

"But...Jack..." Sally started.

"I'd best be off," Jack turned to leave. "I have to go help Sandy Claws. Goodbye for now!"

Jack waved and left the lab. "Go get Santa Claus...?" Sora muttered, putting his gloved hand on his chin and getting into a thinking position.

"Please, Sora, Sakura," Sally begged. "I'm afraid something terrible will happen if Jack goes through with this."

"You can say that again!" Donald rolled his eyes.

Sora was in a daze. "Sora?" Goofy asked. I snapped my fingers in front of his face. What on Earth was that boy thinking about?

Jack reappeared, "Are those strange-looking fellows in the town square with you?"

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