Chapter XXII

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"Sometimes, strength has to bow down to wisdom." ~Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
We arrived at Beast's Castle and in the hallway with the staircase leading up to the two staircases that led into the different wings of the castle, was the Beast pacing, all dressed in a royal blue suit with his hair tied back. Must be some special occasion. "Hey there!" Yelled Sora.

Beast turning around as we approached him. Donald looked around. "No Heartless and no Nobodies!" He announced.

"I think they're close, though..." Goofy said.

"Better watch out!" Sora warned as he placed his hands behind his head while taking a step back.

Beast sighed, frustrated at all of us. "Why are you so mad?' Donald asked.

"Why are you here?" Beast questioned.

"The Nobodies' world has to be out there somewhere," Sora replied. "We're looking for a way in."

Beast turned back around to face the staircase, "Hmph." Suddenly, Belle descended from the staircase, all dressed up as well. She wore a off-shoulder yellow dress with a poofy ruffled skirt,yellow heels and gloves, and her hair, curled and tied up on her head. She looked absolutely stunning. Beast went up the stairs to greet her. "Tonight is very important," he explained. Bell flashed us a smile as soon as she saw us as Beast continued his way up the stairs and faced Belle. He bowed and she curtsied as they linked arms and went into the ballroom.

"Uh, maybe we came at a bad time," Goofy stammered.

"Well, let's find out," Donald stated as he loudly climbed up the stairs and to the ballroom.

"Donald!" Sora yelled as he chased after him.

"How about trying to read the mood, guys!" I added.

We entered the ballroom, uninvited. Beast and Belle stood in the center of the room, the lit chandelier overlooking the both of them. Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts and Chip stood to the side, watching the two. "Now then, Monsieur, Mademoiselle," Lumiere bowed. "Please, enjoy the evening." Lumiere glanced over to us where Sora, Donald and Goofy stood awkwardly and I held my face in my hand and shoo my head. "And of course, our honored guests are welcome, too."

"A welcome indeed," a voice said.

Belle clung to Beast and we suddenly on guard, looking around and trying to locate who that voice belonged to. Sora looked up and standing behind one of the railings above in the ballroom, was a figure in an Organization cloak. "The Organization!" Sora cried.

"You don't know when to quit," The voice sighed. It was Xaldin. He as back like last time.

"Oh yeah!" Donald yelled. "We'll show you!"

"GET OUT!!!" Beast shouted, letting go of Belle and running to where we were.

"Not tonight!" Belle glared.

Xaldin snapped his fingers and a bunch of dragoon Nobodies appeared. They took their lances and began to slash them around us. Beast growled and tackled one, ripping it into shreds. "I've come here tonight to take something you hold very dear," he announced. Beast roared in response. "Yes," Xaldin nodded. "Let your anger grow..." They disappeared into a Corridor of Darkness.

"Beast!" Sora said. "We have to get rid of these guys first!"

The dragoon Nobodies, though a pain to take out thanks to those super long lances which they use to stab at us from a range, were no problem to defeat and were vanquished as soon as they came. "Where's Belle?!"Sora cried.

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