Chapter XII

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"We don't have to know what tomorrow holds. That's why we can live for everything we're worth today!" ~Natsu Drganeel (Fairy Tail)
We arrived at Port Royal. We were in a tower that was very dark and gloomy. This whole world was giving off a very dark vibe. "This place is..." Sora started.

"Kinda different," Goofy finished.

Blood curling screams came from the village below us. "Uh-oh!" I said. "Trouble!"

"Organization XIII?" Goofy gulped.

"Or the Heartless!" Donald suggested.

We followed those screams to a pier where Pete was with a bunch of pirates pirates. "Those are the punks I was talking about!" Pete growled.

"Who are you calling punks?" Sora demanded. "It's Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sakura to you! And don't you forget it!"

"I won't," the captain of the pirates said. "Not when I can carve your names into a tombstone."

"Whoa, I like your style!" Pete admired.

"Men-half of you stay here and indulge these cullies," the captain ordered. "The rest, being me that medallion!"

"Aye!" The group of pirates split up into their designated spots.

"Aw, we only get to stomp on a few of you?" Sora taunted. We began to fight them but there was some kind of force field that was preventing us from hitting them. "It's no use!" Sora groaned. "We can't defeat them!"

"What do you expect?" One of them smirked.

The dark clouds looming over the sky cleared, showing a pale full moon. All the pirates turned into skeletons. "Whoa!" We yelled.

"It's no use," they taunted. "Might as well say your prayers."

"Hey, be careful!" Pete warned. "They can see you! Don't let them use their Magic!"

Magic eh? Is that there weakness? "Thanks for the tip Pete!" I giggled as I casted Thunder and stunned all of the pirates. They yelped and dashed off to someplace else.

Pete glared at us. "Hey! This ain't over!" He turned around and ran through the pier.

"If Pete's here, then that means we must have some work to do," Sora concluded.

"Yep," Goofy agreed. "And that pirate captain looked pretty mean, too."

"Man, I'd hate to see him turn into a Heartless." Sora sighed.

"Well, we ARE here..." Donald started.

"I know!" Sora laughed. "While we're here, why don't we take a pirate ship out for a spin?" We glared at Sora. "Just kidding! Weren't those guys heading into town?"

"Yeah," I remembered, "I think they were looking for treasure." I glanced at the stone bridge the pirates went over.

We tried to retrace their steps, but instead we ran into a man surrounded by a couple of the shadow Heartless. "Take cover!" Sora ordered. "We'll handle these guys!"

Sora and I used our Keybladea and sliced the Heartless in half. Donald burned one with Fire and Goofy threw his shield at the last one. Once they were gone, the man came out of his hiding spot. "Well done!" He complimented us. "My own fencing skills are not to be ashamed of...but I've never met foes such as that before."

"You really think we're that good?" Sora asked.

"Did you find your friend?" Goofy said.

"I was too late," the man sighed. "But I must rescue her! Would you help me?"

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