Chapter XXVI

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"My happiness comes from the kindness of those around me." ~Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)
We arrived in the woods of Halloween Town that lead to Christmas Town to see Jack in his Santa costume collecting presents. "Huh?" Donald blinked with confusion.

Jack waved when he saw us. "Perfect timing, gentlemen and the lady!" He smiled as he approached us with an armful of presents. "Lend me a hand, won't you? These presents must belong to Sandy Claws. So I thought I'd better return them."

"You just happened to find them?" Sora asked suspiciously, crossing his arms.

"Of course, Sora," Jack assured him as he bent down so his face was at level with Sora's. "I'm finished with Christmas fantasies. You know that."

" thought you'd better hold on to the suit?" Sora raised his brow.

"What, this?" Jack gestured at his outfit. "It's just a costume. And Sally worked so very hard making it! Come on. We got work to do!"

Jack opened the door to Christmas Town and stepped in. I hesitantly put one foot in and I fell into the black vortex. Yup, I'm never getting used to this. I popped out of the door and into the snow, with Sora, Donald, and Goofy following me. I lifted my head up and blew the snow off from my face. I pushed off the other and we followed Jack into Santa's house. We entered Santa's house with our arms full of presents. "Oh!" Santa gasped when he saw us. "Wherever did you find these?"

"In Halloween Town," Jack explained as Santa collected the presents we held. "You'll be needing them for Christmas, right, Sandy?"

"Of course," Santa sighed. "But these are just a few of the Christmas presents that were stolen."

"Stolen?!" Sora yelled.

Everyone gave Jack the look. "Oh, don't it was ME?" He cried.

"Still wearing the outfit, I see," Santa pointed at Jack.

"I just thought I'd dress for the occasion," Jack shrugged. "But if you don't believe me, then we'll just have to find out who really did it!"

We opened our mouths to object, but Santa looked interested in what Jack was saying. "Very well, I'll leave it to you," Santa nodded.

"All right!" Jack cheered. "Sora! Donald! Goofy! Sakura! We're off!" Jack walked right off and we slumped and sighed.

Suddenly, the faint sound of glass breaking was heard. In an instant, we charged into the toy factory, but there was nothing that looked broken. Jack walked up the stairs and opened a door and we followed him. In the next room is what looked to be a packaging room where all the created toys were boxed and wrapped to be delivered to the children all around. In that room, Lock, Shock, and Barrel were going through the toys and tossing the ones that didn't interest them. "Hey!" Donald yelled, catching their attention.

"So YOU three took them!" Sora stated.

"Took what?" Lock cried.

"You stole the presents, didn't you!" Jack glared at the three while putting his hands on his hips.

'It's wasn't us!" Shock insisted.

"But..." Barrel started,

"It really does sound like fun!" Lock took off her mask to reveal her grinning face before slapping it back on.

"Run for it!" The trio screamed as they scattered all around the packaging room.

I grabbed an empty present box and bolted towards the the children. I shadowed over Barrel before bringing the box down and scooping him up into it before doing the same to Shock and Lock and then I shut the lid on the box and brought them over to my friends.

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