Maxon Cooking Breakfast

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Hi guys, for the second time today! Good afternoon!  I literally have nothing else to say right now, so let's get reading! Enjoy your second update!
Five days later (The seventh  day of the Maxerica honeymoon!)
Maxon POV
To celebrate being on our honeymoon for exactly one week, I decided to get up early and make America breakfast.  At 3:00 a.m.  I decide to get up and start cooking.  I give myself this much extra time because I don't have this much experience. *cough* I've never cooked before *cough*. Right now I'm freaking out that I'm going to set this giant beach house on fire. If I do I'm in huge trouble. I think I'm going to make a bacon, ham and cheese omelette. They can't be that hard... Right? I've seen America make lots of omelettes before and it doesn't seem that hard. I grab 2 eggs, some cheese, some tiny ham cubes and shredded bacon.  I don't know what pan you use to make eggs, so I just wash the one America used yesterday morning for pancakes. I know you have to turn the oven on, but how do you turn an oven on? I guess you turn the dial to whatever you want? I attempt and after about 8 tries, I realize that you have to push the dial while you are turning it. I want the stove to be hot so I turn it to 10. I crack two eggs open and put them in the pan. I have no clue what's happening until they start sizzling and turn black. I guess I did something wrong, so I try again. I do the same thing again and the eggs still burn. This time I put the ham, cheese and bacon in first and everything becomes a huge mess. I decide to keep going, so I put the eggs in the pan. Everything is still burning, until it's black.  I try and turn the heat down to 7.        Why is everything burning?  I give up and call Marlee.
Maxon: "Hi Marlee!"
Marlee: "It's 5 in the morning!"
Maxon: "Sorry, um... I'm going to make America omelettes  for breakfast and they keep burning!"
Marlee: "This is your first time cooking, isn't it?"
Maxon: "Yeah..."
Marlee: "You have to use a spatula to peel it off the pan and then flick your wrist to make it fly out of the pan and have it land, with the other side facing up.  It's actually really easy."
Maxon: "Thanks!"
Marlee: "Bye!"
I end the phone call.
This time when I grab the eggs, I realize that I'm going to use the last two eggs.  I get ready and I pour the eggs in, then the ham and cheese.  I grab the spatula and peel up the edges.  Now it's time to flip, I pick up the pan and flick my wrist.  Half of the omelette goes flying and sticks to the ceiling (See picture).  The other half lands on my face.  It is burning hot! "Ahhh! Hot! Get it off! Get it off!" I yell, waking America up.  I clean up my mess and attempt to get the omelette off the ceiling, no luck.  Then, I find out there is only cereal left for breakfast options, that I can manage to make, so I grab two bowls and pour cereal into them.  I set the milk on the table. America comes downstairs and asks, "Maxon? Are you okay? I heard screaming."
"Uh... Yeah um... I uh made breakfast?" I say, motion motioning to the cereal.
"Lemme guess... You tried to cook?"  America says shaking her head.
"Yeah... About that... We have no more eggs left." I looking at my feet. 
America looks at me like I'm crazy, "You've never cooked before and now you try making omelettes?"
"Maybe? But look at what we have now, we have whole grain cereal sitting on the table..." I say trying to come up with something reasonable.
"Well let's just have breakfast..." America says, pouring milk into her cereal bowl. 
After we've finished breakfast, America is just about to lean back in her chair and look up at the ceiling.  I can't et her know that there is a half burnt, half gooey omelette stuck to the kitchen ceiling.  Right before America leans back I say, "Hey look, there's Claire and Jay!" America's head snaps forward, "Oh my gosh! Really? You made them come to life?!"
I can't think, "Uhhh..."
Before I can stop her America stretches back and sees the mess on the ceiling. "What the... What did you do to the ceiling?"
"Yeah... I called Marlee and she told me I had to flick my wrist to flip the omelette..." I say, kind of ashamed of myself.
"You don't try that, Maxon unless you've been taught," America scolds me. 
Well that was a great start to the morning... ☀️
I'm going to do a little shout to my followers.
I'm considering of doing a special contest... I'm not sure when.
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