Vegetables and Rice

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¼ small head of Chinese leaves

2 zucchinis

2 carrots

115g mushrooms

15g butter

1 small onion

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 small head broccoli

1-2 tablespoons soy sauce

450mL water

1 teaspoon salt

225g long grain rice

Cooks Tools:

Large frying pan

Chopping board

Sharp knife

Large saucepan with lid

Big spoon

Cooking the Rice:-

Step 1: Melt the butter in a big saucepan over a low heat. Add the rice, stir well and cook for a few minutes until it is transparent.

Step 2: Add the water and salt and put a lid on the pan. Let the rice cook gently for about 15 minutes without stirring it.

Step 3: The rice is cooked when it is tender and has absorbed all the water. Bite a few grains to check whether it is done.

Preparing the Vegetables:-

Step 1: Cut the zucchini and carrots into sticks. Slice the onion, mushrooms and Chinese leaves and cut up the broccoli.

Step 2: Heat the oil in the frying pan. Add the onion, crushed garlic, carrots and broccoli and stir over a high heat for 5 minutes or so.

Step 3: Add the other vegetables and stir them over a high heat until just tender. Pour the soy sauce into the pan and stir well. 

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