Apple Pie

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Apple Pie


225g plain flour

Pinch salt

55g white vegetable oil/lard

Small amount of water

2 teaspoons sugar

55g butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

800g apples

45g brown sugar

1 tablespoon cornflour

Cooks Tools:

Mixing bowl

Chopping board

Rolling pin


Pastry dish

Pie dish


Potato peeler

Large spoon

Wooden spoon

Sharp knife

Step 1: Set the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Rub the flour, butter and white fat together in the mixing bowl.

Step 2: When the mixture is like fine breadcrumbs, add the sugar and then about 3 tablespoons water and mix it in well.

Step 3: Gently knead the mixture into a bowl of dough. If the dough seems too crumbly, add a little more water.

Step 4: Peel the apples and cut them into quarters. Cut out the cores and pips and then cut each apple quarter in half.

Step 5: Put the sliced apples in a bowl. Add the brown sugar, cornflour and cinnamon and mix everything together.

Step 6: Sprinkle flour on the table and roll out 3 quarters of the pastry into a circle ½ cm (1/4 in) thick bigger than the dish.

Step 7: Lay the pie dish on top of the pastry and cut around it. Then cut a strip of pastry to go around the edge of the dish.

Step 8: Press the pastry strip round the dish and brush it with water. Put the apples in the dish and lay the pastry on top.

Step 9: Press the edges of the pastry together and trim them. Then make a pattern round them with a knife.

Step 10: Sprinkle sugar on the top and then bake the pie for 45 minutes.

Step 11: Serve with whipped cream or custard. 

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