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David swam back up to the surface and gulped down air for a big dive. He dived yet again under and swam his way to the bars. He manged to squeeze between them. They were clearly stuck. With their tails they would have never been able to escape. He swam to the surface of the little pool. Nixie and Serena were lying on the rock, their tails in the water. Evie and Lyla surfaced next to him. 

"David!" Cried Serena happily.

David turned to her and grinned.

"Now, how are you trapped in here?" David asked.

"Erik came and took are only moon ring and sealed the back entrance."

Lyla said pointing to the back wall. David licked his lips.

"I think I have an idea." He muttered.

The girls looked at each other as he dived into the moon pool. He swam between the bars and to the surface. He climbed into his boat and opened the back seat. He looked down to see the anchor. He grabbed it and jumped into the ocean again. He swam to the bars and hooked the anchor around the bars. He turned around and swam back to his boat.

"What do you think he's doing?" Evie asked.

The four girls were swimming in the pool now. Suddenly they heard the rumble of a boat engine. They then noticed the anchor attached to the bars. 

"He's pulling the bars away with his boat!" Exclaimed Serena.

Lyla suddenly swam to the bars and smacked them with her tail. 

"Come on guys, its working!" Lyla smiled.

The three other girls joined in. Suddenly there was a rumble and the bars broke away. They quickly swam away from the moon pool and towards the beaches but Evie and Serena splashed their tails up from the water for David to know they were free. 

Carly quickly used her mermaid magic to block Mimmi's spell as she tried to dry herself.

"Why isn't this working?" She yelled and pushed harder.

Beads of sweat appeared on Carly's forehead. Suddenly, she forgot to turn on her invisibility. She appeared there, in front of Mimmi.

"You!" Mimmi snapped. Mimmi then had a confused face.

"Your not one of those mermaid girls?" She said to Carly.

Carly shook her head.

"Are you from a pod?" She asked again.

Carly thought best to lie.

"Yeah." Carly nodded.

"Oh. Are you just stopping me because no no mermaids on the island?" Mimmi said looking around.

"Uh, yeah. You had legs so I just thought...." Carly lied.

Mimmi nodded.
"Don't worry. I'm a mermaid." Mimmi said pointing to her tail.

"Well, I best be off." Mimmi said trying to dry herself off again.

Carly stuck out her hand to block the spell.

"What are you doing?" Mimmi hissed.

The truth flashed across Mimmi's face.

"Your that Carly girl huh? Evie and Serena must have turned you into one." Mimmi pointed at Carly.

"Yes. But I have a moon ring. And Serena taught me a few tricks." Carly snapped back.

Mimmi stuck her hand out sending Carly flying. Carly jumped back up hitting Mimmi with her spell. The two mermaids battle. One with legs, one without. 

Zach suddenly lunged for Cam. Cam ducked. Erik smiled at Ondina.

"We cannot fight. I know you still have feelings for me." Erik said slyly.

"You wish." Hissed Ondina.

Ondina started the fight. Using her new moon ring she fought Erik was using hers.
Cam and Zach were fighting hand to hand. Zach pushed Cam to the back wall. Then Cam raced to Zach and punched him in the chest. The two fought. Finnaly Cam remembered that he had a moon ring. As Zach charged towards him Cam flipped his hand over. The moon rings power shot Zach to the back wall and fell unconscious. Cam smiled and raced to help Ondina. 

Mako Mermaids: After the seriesWhere stories live. Discover now