Night fall

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After Serena dried off the three girls ran to the beach to find, Cam levitating a large square of silver bars.

"David? You bought this?" Carly asked astonished.

David smiled and nodded. Cam tripped and the bars fell to the sand with a clatter.

"Alright, were not done yet. Now that Erik has Ondina's moon ring, he can enter the merman chamber tonight. We don't want that, correct?" Serena looked around.

"Of course!" Nixie yelled. Lyla and Nixie were walking up the sand hill.

"Where were you two?" Called Evie.

"This." Lyla smiled. Suddenly another girl ran up behind them.

"Ondina!" Yelled Serena.

Ondina grinned and waved lazily to everyone.

"Hey guys." She smiled.

"So whats been going on?" She asked climbing up the sand hill.

After a couple minutes of explaining they told her their idea.

"I knew something was missing when Rita woke me up!" She cried as they told her Erik took her moon ring.

"So, Serena what's the plan?" Lyla said.

"OK, I have a job for all of you." She nodded.

"Lyla, Nixie, Evie and me with go down to moon pool and attach this. Cam, Ondina? I want you to go go into the merman chamber. I want you to hide in there , so when Erik arrives, you two will be there to stop him. We will join you soon enough. Carly? You hide near the bucket. Can you turn invisible? Here, Take my Moon ring. That will help. When Erik comes or Zach and Mimmi, they of course will be controlled by Erik, you can help spring the trap. Nixie, Lyla? Give Cam and Ondina your moon rings. Remember Ondina and Cam. They have two merman, one with a moon ring, one without and a mermaid with another moon ring. Think sharp. David. I want you in your boat patrolling the waters. Remember those remote things?" She asked David sharply.

"Wakie takies." He grinned.

"Yes, those. Give one to Ondina and Carly. You can have the last one. We will meet Ondina and Cam in the merman chamber. Carly. If you mange to catch anyone, make sure they stay wet. Alright, go." Serena planned and everyone scattered to their places.

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