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Carly looked into the sky. The blue was turning to dark purple. She ran to the bucket. She Stood next to it.

"Now how do I turn invisible?" She looked down at Serena's moon ring on her finger.

The crystal blue stone shimmered. She suddenly remembered what it was like in hospital room. She remember watching Zach and Evie doing it. She mimicked the hand movement that Zach had done. She down at herself. She was invisible.

"Perfect!" She muttered, she pulled the Wakie-Takie out of her back pocket and told David, Cam and Ondina that she was hiding.

Cam and Ondina raced to the wall of rocks. Ondina stuck out Nixie's moon ring. Cam was watching Lyla's moon ring with great interest. The rock melted away and they raced inside.

"Your turn." Ondina nodded to the wall.

Cam used Lyla's moon ring at the rock melted away into a pitch black hallway. They walked down it into the merman chamber. The walls were made of great tall black rocks. The ceiling was the sky. When the moon came it would move over this see-through ceiling. In the middle of the room was a circle carved into the ground that was glowing blue. The trident was carved in the middle of the circle. A stone pedestal was near the back of the circle. On top of the stone was markings leading to show the hologram of the trident. Ondina and Cam quickly turned invisible. Cam told David through the Wakie-Takie that they were hidden and ready. They hid slowly and waited for Serena, Nixie, Lyla and Evie to come.

David circled Mako island on his boat. He answered the calls from Cam and Carly and answered with,

"Alright guys. I'm ready. Any sight of Erik or Serena and the others?" He asked.

"No. Not yet." Ondina answered.

"Nope." Carly said too.

David sighed and put the Wakie-Takie away and looked out to the ocean. Suddenly he saw something through the water. He gasped and fumbled with the Wakie-Takie.

"He's coming guys!" David said through the static.

"What is this tunnel?" Nixie said pulling herself up from the moon pool.

"It was a old tunnel that led to the moon pool. Aquata told me about it. They had blocked it up after three girls and transformed through there." Serena told them.

"Erik might know about it." She added.

"What about the entrance through the tunnel?" Evie wondered.

"That's only for non-mepeople." Serena smiled.

"We can get through here and find Ondina and Cam." Lyla said.

They all agreed and dried off. Just as they reached the tunnel they found themselves stopped by a steep hill that led up to the island.

"Leave it to me." Evie grinned and started to pull out he moon ring when someone's face appeared through the gap.

"Erik?" Evie cried.

He grinned and stuck out his hand. Evie's moon ring flew off her finger and landed in his palm.

"Thanks." He laughed and used the two moon rings he had and sealed the rock together. 

Mako Mermaids: After the seriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang