The emergency

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Everyone raced to the middle of the room. Suddenly the doors opened. The waiting crowd came crumbing in.

"They must have saw Erik run out." Evie hissed to Zach. Cam lay on the wall. Mimmi and Serena pulled the table away to reveal Ondina laying there unconscious. Suddenly.....

"Hi, yeah were at the cafe. A fight broke out, there's a girl unconscious here, we don't know what happened. Come quick." Said the voice at the back of the crowd.

Zach turned to Evie. Carly's eyes flew open.

Cam stood up nervously,

"Everyone out!" He screamed to the crowd. The crowd slowly left. David bolted the doors shut.

"Guys....." Zach said.

"What are we going to do!" Evie yelled.

"What do you mean?" Mimmi asked.

"They called the police!" Cam said looking out the window.

"So?" Mimmi wondered.

"They will take her to the hospital! Then they will find out she's a mermaid and....." Zach trailed off.

"Oh...." Mimmi whispered.

"What are we going to do!" Evie repeated.

"I don't know!" Hissed Serena. Suddenly the doors opened. Two men walked in backwards pulling a stretcher in.
They didn't speak. They set the stretcher down and turned to the group. They stepped back. They reached down and picked Ondina up and set her on the stretcher.
"Come on." They told the group. They picked the stretcher up and pulled it out the door with the group following.

Mako Mermaids: After the seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz