Chapter 33 (Unedited)

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Chapter 33

The next morning I woke up still in Jed’s arms. My head rested on his bicep and we were both laying on our sides. He had me wrapped snuggly in his arms holding me to his chest. Never had I ever felt safer in his arms. I laid there rubbing my hand across his arm wondering how I could have ever walked away from him to begin with. I finally admitted to myself that I only used Melissa as an excuse to run away. I was afraid to be loved again, afraid to be hurt; however, lying her in his arms I knew it was the one place that no had the ability to hurt me, and now one would ever dare try.

“So, you are awake.” Jed spoke quietly behind me, his breath tickling the little hairs on the back of my neck. “Did you sleep well.”

“Better than I have in a long time.” I said taking his hand kissing in softly. “How about you?”

“The same as you.” He replied pulling me closer to him and kissing my neck. “I never want to sleep without you by my side again.”

I turned to face him and kissed him softly on the lips. “Me either.”

Jed kissed me back softly and then looked at me. “I forgot how beautiful you were in the morning.”

“Very funny!” I smiled up at him. “I could just imagine what I look like or how wild my hair is.”

“Ever the same, you are still the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in the morning.” He kissed my forehead softly, then my nose and then my lips. “You get more beautiful every day that I see you.”

I bared my head in his chest, “I love you Jed.” I said with a smile I could stop If I wanted to.

“I love you too.” He said snuggling up to my head.

We laid there for a while in silence just enjoying being in each other’s arms. Jed was the same man I left and he had forgiven me for leaving. I don’t’ know what I did to deserve such a wonderful man, but I would do anything to protect our love for each other. He was truly my princess charming, and I was lucky to find such a wonderful man.

After what felt like forever Jed spoke up. “I’m going to run down stairs and get up something from the fridge.” He said as he slowly let me go. He kissed me again, and got up off the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t be too long.” I smiled as he walked out the room. I heard him chuckle as the door closed.

“I looked over the room in the sunlight. It was a room I had not seen before, and I could tell that we weren’t at the house in St Augustine. I got up off the bed and looked the room. It was a beautiful room all the same. The furniture was more modern, and so was the basic design of the room.

I heard the door latch click and I turned to Angie and Emily walk into the room. I was so excited I squealed running to them and throwing my arms around them, “Oh! How have a missed! I never thought I would see you again!”

We all held on to each other crying for a few minutes, “We didn’t either!” Emily said wiping a tear.

I sit bits and flashes of images in the distance from Emily and Angie, but I was to excided to really pay attention to them. “I can’t believe all that happened.”

“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know.” Angie smiled.

I took both of their hands leading them to the couch in the room. “You have to tell me everything. I really don’t remember much after Melissa dropped me, and no one will tell me what happened to her. You have tell me everything I missed the few days I was out.”

We all sat down and Emily looked at me with a confused look, “How long do you think you were out, Char?” Her eyebrows furrowed in for head making her seemed more concerned than confused.

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