Chpater 23 (Unedited)

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Chapter 23

The night ended shortly after the announcement of our engagement. I went up to my room and called  Emily right away. “It’s about time you called! I was starting to get worried.”

“I’m fine.” I could hear the excitement in my voice already, “I got some exciting news.”

“What?” She was curious.

“Can you hold for a second? I have to call Angie. I’m going to three way us.”

“That important?”

“Yes. Hold on a sec.” I called Angie.

“Char! You are a live. I was just talking to Em about you.” She answered.

“What, no hello?” I said with a laugh.

“Well you are cheery. Where have you been?”

“I have some exciting news to tell you.”

“Spill it!” she said excited.

“Hold on let me get Em in with us. She’s on the other line.” I got us all on the same line. “You guys there?”

“Yep.” They both said at the same time.

“You guys aren’t going to believe this.”

“Enough of the theatrics. What is it?” Em said.

“I’m getting married!” I couldn’t contain the excitement.

“To who? The new guy.” Emily’s voice was confused.

“Yes.” I said with a little less excitement.

“What?” Angie said. “You barely know him.

“Well, I thought you guys would be excited.” I was no deflated. “I know it’s sudden, but…. I don’t know.” I wanted to tell them the whole story, but I knew I couldn’t tell them about everything. The one rule that everyone had stressed to me that know must know that we exist. Jed and I had been through a lot in the past few days, and I knew that he was the one.

“I you sure about this?” Emily asked. “Don’t you think it’s a little sudden. “You haven’t even know him for a week. What could you possible know about him, his family, or his life.

Boy only if she knew. I didn’t know his family all that well, but I knew everything about Jed. Well, at least the important parts. “I know it’s sudden, but I haven’t been so sure of anything in my life Emily. You just  don’t know how I feel.” I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of spending my life, or eternity with Jed.

“This isn’t like you Charlotte. You, out of all of us, is the most level headed. You never make snap decisions like this.” Angie’s voice was full of concern for me.

“I know, but this is something I know is right. He’s just wonderful, and I can’t wait for you guys to get to know him.”

“Where are you now?” Emily asked.

“At his place. We have the party tomorrow night. Remember?”

“Please don’t get married yet . We need to talk. I’m worried about you Char. This isn’t like you. You don’t what he’s really like. You are both still in the beginning stages. For all you know he’s a serial killer.”

“Trust me. He’s not a serial killer. He is just, just wonderful.”

“I want to say congratulations, but I just can’t.” Emily said.

“Me either.” Angie said. “I think we all need to talk when you get back.”

My heart sunk. Out of everyone in the world I expected them to be happy for me. I knew it was all of the sudden, but they should know I never make decision on the snap. “Why can’t you just tell me you are happy for me. Happy that I’m happy.”

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