Chapter 30 (Unedited)

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Chapter 30

I laid there across the stairs looking up a Melissa trying to figure out what to do, but my mind was blank with fear. “Melissa, why are you doing this? He’s yours! I left him because of you!”

She threw her head back and gave an evil laugh, “You ruined my life!  Because of you I no longer have the man I love.” She kicked me in the ribs I bent over in agony as I felt a couple of ribs crack. “Because of you my family has disowned me!” She picked me up and threw me across the house into the dining room. I hit the wall and then bounced off the wall landed face first into the dining room table. The table cracked in pieces.

I must have blacked out for a moment because the next thing I knew Melissa had her hand around my throat and was lifting me off the ground. Her touch brought images fluttering to my eyes. The years that her a Jed spent together, the day he told her it was over, the night I left, and everything that had happened up till now. Jed was telling the truth, she did force herself on him in an effort to make him remember the times they had spent together. I felt the passion she held deep down inside for him, and the pure hatred she had for me. “You have ruined everything!” She said with a tear escaping her eye. “Because of you have nothing left!”

My feet were no longer touching the ground as she held me in the air by my throat. “I’m sorry Melissa.” I said quietly. “I never wanted it to end this way for you. I didn’t even know about you till you arrived.”

“You knew about me! Jed had to tell you about me!” Her face grew angrier as she spoke those words. She was beyond consoling as her anger had consumed her.

“I swear! He didn’t tell me!” I was desperate to make her realize this as I clawed at her hand. I didn’t know what to do or how to get out of her grip. “Please, Melissa, I’ll leave and never come back!”

The evil laugh escaped her chest again. “Do you think that would hurt Jed enough?” She threw back her head laughing again. “The only thing to destroy him is to destroy you.”

I don’t know where it came from but out of know where I grabbed her arm and twisted. I heard the bone snap and she dropped me. She turned from me with a scream of agony, but moments later she turned back to me. Her eyes were now jet black and full of anger. “Melissa lets reason.”

“You are a stupid one. Reason? What is there to reason about?” She got into a fighting stance.

“You will do nothing to Jed if you kill me. He will move on.” I said watching every move she made.

“That’s your reasoning?” She reached a hand out to grab me, but a dodged it. “You have no clue about anything do you?” She swung a hand at me again, and I dodged it again. “If you die, he dies. See simple. Neither one of you deserve to live.”

“Melissa, you have to listen to me. You’re wrong.” I pleaded with her to realize the facts. “Jed and I have agreed to stay away from each other. He knows I never want to see him again and he said he would honor that. See, he’s not dead and he knows we will never be together.”

“That’s because he knows you are still alive. Well, at least for the moment.” She crouched down further and the devilish grin came back to her face. “Say your prayers princess.”

She lunged at me hitting me in my stomach and knocking me to the ground. She held back her hand in a fist and swung it to hit me. Mid swing I moved and she missed my head lodging her fist through the floor. I pushed her off me and got up. I ran to the stairs and started climbing them two at time.

Suddenly I went flying through the air and landed on the foyer floor amongst the remnants of the front door and hitting my head hard against a chunk of wood. My vision went blurry as pain seared through my head. I blinked my eyes several times till my vision came clear. Melissa was standing over me with her foot on my chest. “I didn’t know you liked to play Princess.”  She smiled down at me, “Your making this fun!”

I grabbed her foot and twisted till I heard the bones crack unnaturally. She screamed in agony and fell to the floor. I kicked her in the stomach to make sure she would stay down for a moment. “Melissa, he’s yours, take him!” My heart ached when I said those words, but I couldn’t worry about that now.

She reached a hand out to grab my foot, but I stepped back out of her reach. I knew she would be up any moment now, and I had to find something to defend myself. I looked around quickly and found a long piece of wood. I grabbed it and turned back to Melissa. She was half way up with her back to me hunched over. I slammed the piece of wood across her back. For a moment she fell back down on one knee. I hit her again and her hands the ground. I hit her again and this time the wood splintered across her back and she fell to the floor.

Without think I ran toward the kitchen knowing that there was a back door there. I had to get out of the house! I turned the corner in the dining room and tripped over pieces of the table. I looked behind me and Melissa wasn’t there yet. I forced myself up and made it the entrance of the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t take a step further!” Melissa’s voice was booming behind me with authority. Something told me to stop. I turned slowly and looked at her on the other side of the dining room. She had Angie in one hand and Emily in the other. Both of their faces were full of terror and tears streamed down their checks. “Now, your life or theirs?”

“Don’t hurt them! They had nothing to do with this!” My voice cracked as I fought back tears. Seeing them in the hands of this evil woman made me fear for their lives.

“Don’t move or they both will die!” Her face looked purely evil and serious. “This game just got a little more interesting. “Now I can make you suffer more! Which one do you think will taste better? Hmmm?”

“Don’t hurt them please!” I begged her.

“Now come on. I won’t hurt them….” She stopped and cocked her head to the right, “Well, not much.” She laughed a sinister laugh. “Which one goes first?”

“Take me instead! Please! Don’t hurt them! They had nothing to do with this! You know that!” I went to step forward again, but stopped myself. I didn’t know what she would do.

“You are offering your life for theirs? Meer pitiful humans? My, my, my aren’t you softy.” She said these words slowly.

“Run Char!” Emily yelled through her fear. “Run!”

Melissa picked her up further and turned Emily toward her. “I suggest you keep your mouth shut little girl.” Melissa sneered in her face. “You might have to face a worst death then you are already going to get!”

“Go ahead!” Emily reared back her head and spit in Melissa’s face.

Melissa threw Angie into the wall. I heard her head hit the wall hard and then she slumped to the ground. “You are going to regret that.” Melissa said putting both hands around Emily’s neck.

I don’t know what came over me, but I flung myself across the room hitting Melissa knocking her into the wall behind her. She dropped Emily who landed on her feet gasping for air. “Get out of her Emily! Run.”

Without hesitation Emily ran out of the room. “You wanted a fight! Now you have one!” I glared at Melissa as I got into a fighting stance.

Melissa looked at me and lunged without warning. I moved to get out of the way, but she hooked her arm around my waist and brought me down with her. She was instantly sitting on top of me punching me as hard as she could. I blocked as many as I could trying to worm my way out from under her. 

I was finally able to roll and get on top of her. The first punch I threw she caught in her own hand, and started crunching my hand in hers. “You can’t beat me! Don’t you understand?” In a flash she had us both standing and grabbed my throat again. “I’m done playing! Now, how to kill you?” The devil’s smile came back again with a twist of psycho in it. “Oh, I know………” she said looking to the left. “This will be a wonderful seen for Jed.”

I looked down and saw a piece of the table sticking out to a point. Panic consumed me and grabbed her trying anything to get lose. I wasn’t ready to die. I closed my eyes knowing this was the end, “I love you Jed.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly while picture Jed’s face in the moonlight the night he asked me to marry him. The last image I remember seeing was the smile on his face when I said yes. I felt her hand raise me higher and then let go. I felt the sharp point enter my back and my body hit the floor for with a thud.

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