Chapte 19 (Unedited)

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 Chapter 19.

“Who is it?” I asked again trying to sit up, but I was barely able to lift my arm. “I can’t see you.” Came out in barely a whisper.

“The figure was sitting on the bed in a flash. She sat so gently I didn’t know she was there till I opened my eyes back up. “Be still Dear. It all will be ok.”

I blinked focusing on her face. “Who are you?”

She put a cool had on my check, “I’m Jeraldine. Jedidiah’s mother. You have to be still Dear. Your fever is high.”

“Where’s Jed?” I said relaxing unto the pillow. Her presence made me calm and relaxed.

“He did as you asked. He left.” She smiled down upon me. “You are a big thing you know that. My son has never been happier because of you. Then again he has never been sadder either. You dear are the key.”

“I need to talk to him.”

“In time dear. Have Baltor bringing him back. What he did was wrong. He should have told you sooner. I warned him, but you know he is the man. He’s so much like his father.” She smiled at this statement.

“Jeraldine, I said some really cruel things to Jed. I have to say sorry before I die. I love him. I honestly do.”

“Shhhhh, you will have time to tell him. Calm sweetheart, calm.”

I felt my heart rate go down and my body relax back down into the pillow again. “I love him so much.”

“I know you do. I don’t blame you for you said to him. He deserved those actions. You had every right, but you know you don’t have to say good bye.”

“I know, but he left me with two choices. Die or live forever.” I sighed and looked at the window.

“I know it’s a hard decision to make, but it’s one that has to be made. You can still have a normal life, you will just have to cut out of the game early. Your career isn’t over not at least for another fifteen years or more.”

“How did you make the decision?” I looked at her with pain and hurt in my eyes.

Her seemed to go to the past, and twinkle appeared. “I couldn’t bear to die without him.” A smile came across her face.

I tear escaped my for the beauty and love I saw in her eyes for love of her husband. “The situation was different for you.”

“Very different. I had been married, Jarnell, for 5 years before I made the decision. He told me what he was on our third date. I was just as shocked as you were. I didn’t speak to him for a month, but he never stopped pursuing me. Even when I told him the same thing you told Jed.  It was then that I couldn’t bear to be without him. Even in death I would need him.”

“How do you live without him?” I asked cautiously.

“It isn’t easy, but I have my children.” Sadness showed in her eyes. “I miss him dearly, but I know that he waiting for me. As soon as I know my children will be ok I will join him.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

“What if I said I wanted to change? What would that do?”

She smiled and wiped another tear form her eye. “Well, besides making Jed the happiest man a live, it will change your life in many ways.”

“I mean, does it hurt?” I said with a slight stutter on the hurt part.

“Not for you dear at all. For Jed it will hurt a little. You just have to drink from him, and then you will sleep. When you wake up the change would have already happen” She placed another cool hand on my forehead. “Your temperature is rising. Janella.” She called to the other room.

“Yes mother.” I heard a voice come from the door way, but couldn’t see the face.

“I need my bag.” She turned her head and said quietly.

“What are you going to do?” I asked a little frightened.

“I’m going to give you something to help with the fever. Baltor better hurry.” She said looking at her watch and then back at me. “So, do you know what you want to do?”

“I have speak to Jed first.”

Janella entered the room and handed her mother her bag and left. She pulled out a bottle of clear liquid and put some in the glass that was on the night stand. She put her hand behind my neck and pulled me forward. “Drink this. You will feel better.”

I was expecting something to smell and taste horrible, but all it tasted like was water. “What is that?”

“It’s a mixture that I have found will bring down your fever and give you enough time to speak to Jed.” I could tell that she wasn’t sure about that last statement.

“How much time do I have left?” I was scared even to ask that question. I wasn’t as ready to die as I thought I was earlier. I still wasn’t sure about what to do.

I heard the front door to the condo open and steps come inside. I heard murmured voices, but none of them sounded familiar. The door opened again, and steps came to the bedroom. A shadow stood in the door way, but I couldn’t see who it was. Jeraldine walked to the figure and the spoke in such quite voices I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

Jeraldine left the room and the shadow walked to me slowly. The closer he got the more I saw it was Jed. He did come back to me. Tears began to fall that I could not control. He said on the side of the bed and pulled me to him. His embrace was like none I had ever felt. The love rating from him was something I never wanted to let go. The tears came harder now as I realized that I never wanted to let go of this feeling. “Shhh, love.” He said in a tender voice. “I’m here.”

“Please forgive me of the words I said earlier.”

“You were angry with me and you had every right to be.” He said running his hand over my head. “I know you didn’t mean them, but I will always respect your wishes.” He kissed the top of my head and laid me back down on the pillow. “I should have told you sooner. That is what have would been fair to you.”

“Jed, please, I don’t want to die.”

“Then you will not, but you do realize what you are asking.” He said with concern on his face.

“I realize what I am asking. I don’t want to spend eternity without you.”

He smiled down at me. “I couldn’t live without you. I love you, Charlotte. You are my everything for now until eternity.”

“Then change me, please, change me.” I  begged him with all the love that was in my dieing body.

Without saying a word he got up and left the room. When he came back his mother joined him. “Charlotte, you have to listen to me.” Jeraldine said, “You have to drink from Jed, but when he tells you to stop you have to stop. It’s going to be difficult  but if you don’t you will kill Jed and yourself.”

“You ready Love?” Jed asked.

I looked at him with concern. “As ready as I ever will be.”

Jed lifted his arm and cut it with a knife. The smell of rust and iron filled the room, and unexpectidely my mouth watered. He lifted his arm to me and the sight of the blood made build in side of me. I took his arm to my mouth and drank from him. Nothing had ever tasted sweeter in my mouth and my body craved for more. I started drinking faster and the blood filled my mouth making me want more.

The next thing I knew I was being told to stop, but I couldn’t. Then the words of Jeraldine came to my ears. “When he tells you to stop you have to stop. It’s going to be difficult, but if you don’t you will kill Jed and yourself.” Suddenly I pulled myself a way, and looked at Jed in fear. His face was pale and the look of death was in his eyes. That was the last thing I saw.

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