Chapter 2 (Unedited)

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That night I slept on Luke’s side of the bed. His scent was still on his pillow and it made it seem like he was still there. It was almost like he was holding me in his arms while we slept. I cried myself to sleep and was sure this would just be the first night of many to come. It felt weird not having him there and knowing that he never would be again.

Before I knew it morning had arrived. I woke up and looked at the clock amazed that I had slept in. I laid there thinking of Luke and I how I loved waking up to him by my side. I wished he would have just come home and told me he made a mistake. I knew that would never happen but I could never let go of that hope. I missed him already and I wasn’t even out of bed yet. Maybe I’ll just stay here all day and not move out. I was his wife. I would be entitled to half of everything that we obtained during the marriage. Why not have him pay off the house and me stay here? That’s all I really wanted. This was my home and I didn’t want to leave it.

The phone rang and I picked it up. “Luke!” I was excited that he was calling. This was going to be him telling me to stay.

“I figured you were still there. You’re probably lying in bed.” He said scoffing me.

“How? How did you know?” Was he really in the house? How did he know I was still in bed?

“I don’t have time to talk. I just wanted you to remind you to take your things and leave by eight.” His words were harsh with no emotion to them at all. He wasn’t here at the house. I could tell he was at the office. “You know what’s yours and what is mine so don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you. I have already talked to the lawyer and figured you were going to Emily‘s. The papers should be there in about a week. Just sign them and send them back to my lawyer’s office.”

“What am I allowed?” I shocked back the lump in my throat. I could feel the tears coming again and I didn’t want him to know I was still crying over him.

Flatly he answered “Your stuff, that’s it.”

“What do you mean…” A tear escaped my eye as reality hit me.

“I have to go. These are the rules, and you will follow them!” The line went dead.

“My stuff, that’s it?” I said out loud. “Bastard!” What did he mean “my stuff”? I guess he meant just everything he gave me and that wasn’t really all that much. Why was he doing this? The tears began to fall again and I laid back down on his pillow taking a deep breath. Again, I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up again and it was early afternoon. I looked at my phone and saw that I had to messages. It was just Luke reminding me to clean up the dishes from last night and to make sure they were put away. He really had some guts! Who was this man? The man I married would have never treated me this way. By no means am I saying that he was a saint, but he never treated me this way. In fact he was never really nice to anyone, but  he never treated me this way.

I got out of bed finally and took a shower crying the whole time. When I was finally out and dressed I pulled my luggage out of my closet and started packing. Again, crying the whole time, and just looking around the room reminded me of everything that had ever happened here. We had so many good times together in the house.

It took me under an hour to have everything packed and loaded in the car from the bedroom. As instructed, I only took “my things”. I had assumed that it had meant the clothes, shoes, jewelry and personal items that I had there.

I couldn't understand what it was about me that he didn't want anymore. I stood in front of a mirror looking myself over. My brown hair was long and soft. If came down to the middle of my back in curls. My eyes were a bright blue, my teeth straight and I even had a nice smile that fit my heart shaped face. I kept myself in good shape. I would have to say that I was a little on the thin side. Luke liked his woman thin. I always made sure to dress modest as Luke didn't like me to show off my hour glass figure. I thought I was everything that Luke wanted. I made sure I stayed in what he said was his ideal woman. I just couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

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