Chapter 4 (Unedited)

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It’s was now six months later and today I had to go to court for the divorce. Comes to find out that the lawyer that came highly recommend was one of the best lawyers in town. He tried to convince me to take Luke to the cleaners, but all I wanted were the items I took, any interest he had in my company and half of the banking account. I didn’t want anything else from Luke. I hadn’t even spoken to him since the last phone call.

I really didn’t need the money know. The photography studio started taking off, and I was doing more freelance then anything. Things were looking positive there, but I was still holding to the fact that I helped Luke succeed in his career even it he wanted to admit it or not. I was always there for him, and supported every move he made.

I was still living with Emily, and was glad that I was able to start paying her rent about 3 months ago. I would have never made it without here. She wanted to be here today, but she had to go out of town on business. However, she would be home today, and we planned a celebration dinner for the divorce. I never though I would be this excited to be getting divorced at 23, but the sooner I could put this past me the better.

As for the dream I have had it almost ever night, and every night it was like heaven. It was hard to wake up in the morning because the dream would be over. I wanted to stay in my safe haven, and enjoy life there. Everything was perfect there.

As I sat in court I got lost over all the legal jargon and didn’t understand all that was going on. The only thing that I really understood was that the judge was upset that Luke didn’t show. The only thing the lawyer had said was that he had something he couldn’t miss. I couldn’t only imagine what the judge was thinking, but the irritation showed on his face. I knew this would be a good thing for me.

The lawyers debated back and forth. Luke’s lawyer would offer several things in place of the money in the account, but I had given my lawyer strict orders that I would not take anything less. I don’t know what the big fuss was about it not like Luke was extremely wealthy. This I knew because I balanced the check book every month. I just knew it would hit him were it would hurt the most. Pay back for what he did to me.

Finally, the judge had enough of the lawyers bickering back and forth. We took a short recess and the judge would make his ruling. My lawyer assured me that everything looked good. He was confident that the judge would take my side. He also confirmed that the judge was not happy that Luke didn’t show up. If the things I wanted were so important to him why wouldn’t he be here?

When we came back into the court room. The judge asked me a few questions regarding the way things ended. I told him that he told me over dinner, and how I never expected it. I also told him that Luke had been working crazy hours, and I suspected that he started to see someone else. He also wanted to know why I wanted the things that I had taken. I was completely honest in telling the judge that they were all gifts, and things that I cherished the most. Yes, most of them Luke had bought for me, but only because I had told him I wanted them. Either that we were out together I he saw that I liked them. I wasn’t a selfish person and didn’t take advantage of him spending money on me. He worked hard for his money as I did, and I supported all the decisions he had made.

The judge looked over the paperwork again, and sat quite for a few moments. He leaned back in his chair, and said that his ruling was in my favor. He read the list of all the items I was allowed to keep which was everything that I left with, and that Luke‘s interest in my company was dissolved. He also decided that my request for the equal division of the account was more than fair. The next words out of his mouth also put me in shock. He also order the division of the other three accounts that Luke had. I had no idea that he had any others.

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