Chapter 31 (Unedited)

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Chapter 31

The world that surrounded me know was pitch black except for the occasional flicks of bright white light. I even thought a few times I heard my name being called. I looked around in the darkness, but I couldn’t see anyone.  So, this was the afterlife for vampires. Empty and lonely just like the life you lead. Hopefully this was just purgatory or a holding place for vampires before you get to heaven. I had no idea, but being stuck in this dark place with only my thoughts was really starting to make me crazy. Maybe this was actually hell, and I am my own tormentor.

My mind kept going to Emily and Angie. I knew they had to be dead because Melissa would have never let them live. I can just imagine what their deaths were like. Melissa was sure to make them suffer. I fell to the floor in the darkness and sobbed bitter tears of pain for my friends. I never wanted this for them. I always imagined the dieing peacefully in their beds as old woman.

I felt a hand wipe a tear from my check.  I flung my eyes open looking around, but I saw no one there. I put my hand to my cheek and followed the trail of desire that was still on my cheek. I wanted to feel the touch again. It was a touched that a missed and a touch that I longed to feel again.

“Jed?” I called out into the darkness. I listened intently, but there was no reply. “Jed are you here?” I yelled out louder desperate to hear him or fell his touch. I needed wanted him, craved him, and needed him. I miss him now more than I ever have.  To my dismay there was no response. In a finally attempt to see if he was there I tried to yell, but it only came out a whisper, “I need you!”

I stood there in the darkness with a heaviness in my heart that I had never known. I wanted Jed there with me to walk through the unknown darkness. I didn’t realize how much I had missed him till this moment. I did miss him more than I ever have, but fate had me realize this too late. I will never be able to look into his bright blue eyes and tell him how much I love him. I would never be able to tell him how sorry I am I tore us apart.

I continued walking in the dark feeling the need to keep moving. I kept thinking about the times I had spent with my friends and how much I wish I could tell all of them that I loved and valued the time I spent with him. It’s amazing how much you appreciate after you have died.

“Char I hope you can hear me.” A voice heard a voice say faintly. It seemed to come from every direction around me. “We miss you,” The voice continued choking back tears. I recognized the voice to Angie’s, but something sounded a little different.  “I hope you will come back to us. I have exciting knews to tell you, but I will not tell you till you wake up. So, please, hurry back to us.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked her. “I’m dead! How do I come back to you? Do you want me to haunt you or something?”

I felt her touch my hand and kiss my forehead. “I’ll come back later.”

“NO! Don’t go!” I pleaded, but no response came back. I didn’t want her to go. I wanted to talk to her, to find out what her exciting news was. How did she expect me to come back?

“Char, I know you can hear me.” Emily’s voice was full of anxiety. “I wish you would come back to us. I’m still not sure what to do yet, you know die or be like the dead.” I felt her touch on my hand and her lips kiss the back of it.  I picked up my hand and looked at it, and couldn’t understand how I kept feeling everyone’s touch. “Can you believe what I did to Melissa?”

“How is it that you or Angie are even a live? “ I asked her just praying that she would hear me. “Are you even a live?”

“I know it was a little crazy to do, but I didn’t know what else to do.” Emily giggled. “I didn’t even think before I acted.”

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