Chapter 28 (Unedited)

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Chapter 28

Within a few hours we were in Georgia. Baltor pulled off an exit in the middle of now where and wouldn’t say were we were going next. Emily and Angie both fell asleep about an hour ago, and the car was finally quite. I myself couldn’t fall asleep knowing what I had gotten them into. Then there was the conversation that I had with Jed. I didn’t want to have those feeling for him again, but I couldn’t help it. It was like he had some spell over me. I knew there was a reason I never wanted to see of speak to him again.

I still wasn’t sure if what Baltor told me was true or not. Did Melissa really kiss Jed? Why did it look like he was kissing her back? These are answers that I would never know as they were in the past and I would never be able to tell. The only person that really knew what happened after I left was Jed and Melissa. They were the only ones who were there.

Everything just kept playing over and over in my head and wouldn’t stop. I felt like I was going insane and was out of control. I didn’t like this feeling as I am the only that has control over my life and what happens in it. What made me get in the car with Baltor to begin with? Did he persuade here? I wasn’t sure if there was anyone that I could trust right now. All I knew is I’m trapped in this car and I wouldn’t even know where to go. I had no clue where I was.

I was torn away from my thoughts when Baltor turned off the main road. He driving faster down a dirt road that seemed to go on forever he turned left again down another dirt road and then another sharp right. “Where is he taking us?” I thought to myself “As it is we are already in the middle of nowhere and heading deeper into it.

A soft light was shining ahead of us. I couldn’t make it out a first, but then I saw the roof line. Before us stood an old farmhouse, and from the looks of it, it wasn’t well maintained. The white paint was chipping away, and the front porch looks like it was about to collapse.  The shutters on the outside were barely hanging on, and one of them was complete upside down. Weeds were growing everywhere around the house and the planter boxes under the windows were only filled with dry dirt.

He pulled in front of the house and shut the engine off. “Where here.” He said with relief in his voice.

“Where are we?” came Emily’s voice full of grogginess and stretching.

“Where we will be staying, well at least till we get further instructions.” Baltor said getting out of the car.

Emily opened the car door and got out of the car stretching more. “I’m so tired!”

“I feel you on that.” I said scooting over to get out of the car on her side. I looked to my left and Angie was still asleep.

I went to wake her up, but Lewis stopped me. “I’ll get her.” He smiled at me with stars in his eyes. “We shouldn’t wake her if we don’t have to. Your rooms are already set up.”

I smiled back at him. I could tell that he had took a real liking to Angie and Angie to him. I got of the car and stretched watching Lewis open Angie door carefully and picking her up in his arms. She never woke up and just snuggled into his chest like she had been doing it for years. My heart felt happy for her as Angie was never that close to a man that quick. She was normally more stand offish then I was. My heart also broke for her knowing what she would have to do to be happy with him.

We all started to walk into the house with Baltor in the lead. To my pleasant surprise the inside looking nothing like the outside. It was warm and cozy with heavy thick leather brown furniture in the living room. It was definitely a man’s place, but it was still decorated nicely.

Baltor was greeted by two men. The man’s hand he shook first was a man of medium height with short sandy colored hair and brown eyes. “Glad you finally made it, we were starting to get worried.”

When Dreams Come TrueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora