Chapter 18 (unedited)

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Chapter 18

I woke up later that day. The way the sun showed through the blinds it had to be close if not after noon. I opened my eyes to see the most perfect man lying next to me with his arms around me lovingly. I smiled up at him knowing that this would be one of many times  waking up to his gorgeous face.

I had the same images enter my head again while I was a sleep only this time they were stronger. Other images showed in my dream, but not as strongly as the ones before. I slowly stretched waking up my muscles it was time to for the day to get started.

I sat on the end of the bed and instantly got dizzy and nauseous. I sat there with my head between my legs fighting myself not to get sick. I put my head in my hands, “What is that all about?” I sat there for a few more moments, and one I was sure the nausea went away I stop up.

My legs gave way instantly without the strength to hold myself up. I tried pulling myself up, but it took all the strength I had to even sit up. “What’s wrong with me?” I said out loud.

I heard Jed stir on the bed, “Charlotte.” He called out.

“Help!” I yelled.

He got up out of the bed and in a flash was at my side. “What happened?”

“I stood up.” My voice was shacky. “My legs just gave out from under me.”

He touched my face and looked at me with fear in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He said scooping me up and putting me back in bed.

“Sorry? What are you sorry for? I probably have a bug or something.”

He put his head down and ran his fingers through his hair. “I only wish it was that. I knew I went too far. I was just hoping you could handle it.”

“Jed, what are you talking about? Went too far? Too far with what?”

“I’ll explain everything. I promise. Just give me a moment. I have to call my mother.”

With that he was gone even before I could say anything. It was like he just disappeared. “Where the hell did he go?”” I asked out loud.  I flung my feet over the side of the bed again and sat up. It was taking all my strength just to sit there. I was feeling nauseas again and I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to hold this feeling at bay.

I put my elbows on my knees and  my face in my hands. I took a few deep breaths and it seemed to help. What was he talking about earlier? He went too far? We both consented to the actions we took this morning. He didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do or wasn’t comfortable with.

I felt the energy draining from me and laid back down on the bed. I suddenly felt tired like I hadn’t sleep the half the day. “Jed.” I called out. My head was starting to hurt badly, and I wanted some aspirin. However, it was in the bathroom, and there was no way I was making it there. “Jed?”

“Love?” Jed appeared in the door with a grim look on his face.

I tried to pull myself up but there was no way possible for me to do it. I just didn’t have the strength. “Jed, what’s wrong?”

“I’m so sorry to have to do this this way. My mother is on her way down here. She will help up us with all of this.” He hung his head down as he was in shame and walked over to me. He sat on the edge of the bed next to me, and took my hand. “When I said I love you, Charlotte, I mean it.”

“So did I Jed.” The sound of his voice was scaring me. Something was wrong. Something he wasn’t telling me.

“What I have to tell you isn’t easy. I’ve have been wanting  to tell you since the first night we meet, but I just haven’t been able to find the words. No the decision for you will never be easy. I just wanted to make sure that you knew me first.” His voice was shaky as he said these words. He looked me in the eyes and with the same tone in his voice he said, “I never wanted it to be this way. I wanted you to be able to make the decision like my mother was able to.”

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