Chapter 6 (Unedited)

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When I got home that night I went straight to bed. I was so exhausted that I don’t even remember putting my head on the pillow. The next morning I woke up from a dreamless sleep, and was disappointed. I wanted to hear the voice again. I wanted to confirm that it was that voice I heard in the gallery the night before. I wasn’t sure why the dream didn’t come to me, but I hoped it would soon. I had to hear the voice.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was already 9am. Couldn’t believe I had woken up already. I was looking forward to sleeping in. Well, I guess this is sleeping in when you are normally up at 6:30 every morning. Reluctantly I got out of bed, and hoped in the shower.

I made breakfast and sat at the dining room table reading all the critics reviews of last night show. Everyone seemed to really like the photos, and many were looking for the next collection v. It was great to know that last night was a success, and that all my hard work had paid off. I hadn’t even begun thinking of what the next collection could be. I didn’t even think this one would make it.

I finished eating breakfast, and cleaned up my condo. Time was going by to slowly, and I still had time before m lunch meeting. I headed down to the studio to check on everything, and I was curious about the numbers. As I walked in Angie looked up at me “What are you doing here?”

“Well, you know me! I can’t stay away.” I laughed. “I had time before lunch and wanted to see some of the numbers from last night.”

Angie handed me some papers, “Here they are. Well, I’m finishing the last ones. We did well last night, and even better this morning.”

“The numbers are looking good. Hopefully, the buyers contracts are good. I’m not signing them till Tom looks them over. Remember what almost happen with the last one. Glad I didn’t sign that.” I said handing her back the papers. “What happened this morning?”

“Well, a older man an came in this morning, and handed me an envelope. His boss wanted to purchase George and Bertha off the wall.”

I looked up at the wall and the photo was missing. “You sold it?”

Nervously Angie replied “I couldn’t say no. He handed me 20k in cash.”

“What! 20k?”

“Yes, and I know! I told him that was to much,. He said that his boss wouldn’t pay less. I know that you wouldn’t have turned it down. I handed him a copy off the wall, and ordered a new one all ready. You aren’t upset are you?”

“No, no I’m not mad. Just shocked! Did you get the mans name?”

“No, he said that his boss wanted to remain anonymous.”

“Well, what did he look like?”

“Above 5’10 to 5”11, gray short tapered hair, and dressed nicely in a suit. I have to say that he was handsome.”

I couldn’t believe she was describing the driver from last night. So, the mystery man had bought George and Bertha. “He didn’t even leave his name?”

“I’m sorry Char. I know I should have gotten someone’s name, but…”

“Don’t worry about it Angie. It’s not that big of a deal.” I shrugged. “It was just this man that was here last night. I never saw his face, but there was something about him. I think this is the guy that bought the photo. I just wish I could have meet him.” I looked at the empty space where George and Bertha once hung. I could see the mystery man standing there looking at the picture for a long time. He went out of his way, and took precautions to make sure I didn’t see his face. I still didn’t know who he was, and I could still feel myself being drawn to him. I still felt the urge to walk over and introduce myself. “Will the print be done in time for next week.”

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