Chapter 8 (Unedited)

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Chapter 8


The next I woke up early. I hadn’t felt that refreshed after a nights sleep in a long time, and I still felt excited for the day. I went to the kitchen and started making coffee when my phone rang. “Good morning Em!”

“Good morning.” Emily’s voice sounded down.

“What’s wrong love?”

“Well, thanks to Mitch we have meetings all day and I have to go in.”

“Oh, so you have heard?”

“Yeah, 3 am this morning. He called begging me to talk to you. I swear I didn’t know he was married, and he never indicated or acted like he was. I’m sorry Char!”

“No need to be sorry. You didn’t know. I was going to tell you when you got up here.”

“I’m amazed you are taking this so well. I thought you would be upset.”

“Oh, I was, but I cried and I’m over it. I’m just sorry he is being like this toward you.”

“Oh, it’s not just me it’s the whole office. He really like you. He was willing to call his wife and move down to Florida today. I told him though he was wasting his time. After what you know now there was no chance in hell he had ever again. He actually cried!”

I chuckled. He actually cried longer than I did. “I’m glad you know me so well.”

“Me too. Well, I can’t be up there tomorrow night. He’s leaving tomorrow after noon so I will be up there as soon as I can. I really didn’t want to miss today. I’m really bummed.”

“Me to! I wish you were going to be here. We can postpone it till Saturday.”

“Don’t you dare! Go have fun. We'll do something this weekend.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, definitely!!”

“Well, you will be here in spirit. Love you Em!”

“Love ya to Char. See you tomorrow.”

I was bummed that Em wouldn’t be here, and I couldn’t believe that Mitch was doing this to her. Seriously, I was the one who kicked him because he’s a liar and a cheater. He knew the plans we had today. Honestly, I wasn’t shocked that that he was doing this. I was more disappointed in him than anything. He was acting like a little high school boy who just had his heart broken. Poor boy will never grow up.

“Good morning!” Angie said walking into the kitchen. “Did I hear you on the phone?”

“Yeah, Em can’t make it today.”

“What! Why?!”

“Mitch. He scheduled his meetings for today.”

Angie rolled her eyes, “How convenient.”

“Oh, and he called Em last night crying for her talk to me. He wanted her to tell me that he was going to move to Florida today, and that he was leaving his wife.” I chugged again. That was just amusing to me. “I can’t believe him! Seriously, I find out your cheating on your wife with me, and he wanted me to just forget that.”

“You would never do that! You would think he would have figured that out about you in the first hour he was around you. Your blunt and don’t tolerate stupid.”

“Well, it’s done. So, lets get dressed and get ready for the day. I have a restaurant I want to take you to for breakfast. It’s one of my favs.” We both left downed our coffee and went to our rooms to get ready.

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