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" Hey, mom?" Primrose asked.

" Yeah?"

Peeta looked over at Primrose. Jace and Primrose were sent up to bed, Jace was probably asleep by now. Katniss and Peeta were sitting on the couch.

" In the restaurant today, what were you telling me about? You were saying something about why you wanted me and Jace to learn about all that stuff so early." Primrose turned fully around so she was facing her parents. Katniss and Peeta both took a breath.

" Come sit down," Katniss told her, hand held out. Primrose sat inbetween Katniss and Peeta.

" Hey, Katniss. The show's coming on, why don't you just have her watch it and explain any questions she has." Peeta said to Katniss, looking right over Primrose's head. Katniss nodded and turned on the TV.

" We are back again, with more explainations of the new and improved Hunger Games. Now, to start off, if you aren't familiar with The Hunger Games, here are the ( updated ) details about it. First off, boys and girls that are 12 will have their name entered one time to go into The Hunger Games. It depends on how old you are. Inside of The Hunger Games arena, there are 24 of you. One of you comes out alive. You have to fight, hunt, and possibly kill each other. No, you WILL kill each other. In the original Hunger Games, you were allowed to volunteer for participants in The Hunger Games. This time, you're not allowed to. Whoever's chosen is chosen. Think of this Hunger Games as an experiment: If it doesn't go well, The Hunger Games will never go on again. Not in 10 years. Not in 20 years. Not even in 100 years. So, if your kids are 12-18, we, or I, suggest you start training them now. Everyone will be entered into the yard, and there, the names will be announced. Everyone is intended to go and must. Got it? Perfect! We'll be back in 10 with more deets!!"

Peeta turned off the TV.

" So.. That's why you guys want to train me. Because you're afraid of me being entered into The Hunger Games."

"Well... Yes. We're worried for you. Your mother and I were both entered in. We fought everyone... That's pretty much how we met. It's not pretty. It's not fun. It's torture. And we want you to be able to survive." Peeta explained. Primrose nodded her head.

"I'm worried... Should I be worried?" Primrose asked.

" Of course, Primrose." Katniss put one hand on Primrose's leg.

" I'm really tired. Can we talk more about this tomorrow?" Primrose told them. She was going to sleep either way.

Peeta and Katniss glanced at each other.

" Yes, of course you can go to sleep." Peeta told her. Primrose nodded, smiled and went to bed. Katniss chased after her.

" I love you, Primrose." Katniss told her.

" I love you too, mom."

Katniss returned to Peeta.

" Peeta... What are we going to do about this?" Katniss sat on the couch. Peeta put one arm around Katniss.

" I don't know, babe. We just have to train Primrose and Jace, just Primrose a little harder at the moment. Jace will get the hang of it, so will Primrose. But Primrose will be more sensitive to killing a baby deer."

" That's true. Ugh, Peeta, I'm so stressed out about this. I don't want to lose them to the stupid Hunger Games. I almost lost you. I almost lost everyone to that." Katniss was about to cry. Peeta hugged her.

" We're gonna do great, Katniss. Primrose will win." Peeta was trying to calm Katniss down. Katniss nodded her head.

" I'm getting tired. I'm gonna go to bed," Peeta told Katniss.

" Okay. I'll be there in a few." Katniss said. Peeta kissed her on the forehead and went upstairs to their room.

Katniss sat there for about 10 minutes thinking about what she could do, how she could train Primrose in the right way. Katniss was almost half asleep. She headed up to the bedroom.

Peeta was pretty much asleep. There was a spot right next to Peeta, a perfect spot for Katniss to lay right there. So she did. Katniss slid into her side of the bed with Peeta.

Katniss cuddled up next to Peeta. Peeta put both arms around Katniss, one of them under her and the other over her. Her back was facing the other side of the room, while her face was facing Peeta's chest. Katniss rested her head on Peeta's chest, and Peeta rested his head on top of Katniss's.

Peeta kissed the top of Katniss's head. Then Katniss tilted her head up. The room was pitch black but they had a small small light and it was just bright enough that Katniss's eyes met Peeta's. Then Katniss kissed Peeta.

" I love you so much Katniss," Peeta said.

Katniss smiled and rested her head back on Peeta's.

" I love you so much more."

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