35 Monster

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Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't see the pain that someone feels.



As soon as Stacey came back to her senses, she felt her head throbbing and her heart thumping in her chest. She let out a groan as her right hand flied towards her aching head. Massaging her temples for three to four minutes she opened her eyes and stared into darkness of the room. Looking outside the window, she gasped on seeing the pitch black sky. Tilting her head to the right, she observed the digital clock which read 11:30. Sighing, Stacey untangled her limbs from the sheet and jumped out of the bed. Putting on her slippers, she went into the bathroom where she washed her face before staring at her reflection in the mirror.

The eyes that stared back a her were dull and blank. They lacked the bluish tint at the rim which always made her eyes look lively. The look of distraught on her face did not surprise her at all. She kept on staring at her writhed reflection as Darius' words from the noon played in her mind like a broken record.

I failed both my girls.


My girls.

Words played with her mind whilst the thick and heart-wrenching emotions hidden deep under the repeating words and smooth voice of Darius played with her heart, pulling its strings as if it was an instrument meant to be played with so that the broken music could be heard. Stacey hissed and gripped the sink tightly as another shot of pain went through her head and left her shaking for a few fleeing seconds. Breathing deeply, Stacey pulled herself together and went into her closet. After changing into night clothes she softly closed the door of the room so that the sleeping silence in the mansion would not be disturbed and tip toed into the hallway to Stella's room.

Opening the door, Stacey peeked into the room and smiled softly at seeing her daughter curled up into the blankets with a teddy bear clutched to her chest. Stacey wen inside and kissed Stella's head who sighed through open lips. It was her habit to sleep with her lips slightly parted which was gifted to her by Aaron. Stacey stroked her daughter's hair who was too lost into her dreamland to feel a gentle hand moving in her black thick ringlets. Although Stacey was engulfed into complete silence and darkness yet she felt her heart soothing eventually.

'Silence of her children for a mother is just as important as their words.' That was what Stacey's other, Rochelle used to say but for the first time Stacey understood the depth of those words.

Whenever Rochelle used to say those words, Stacey would shake her head, scrunch up her nose and let out a hearty laugh as she found that talk completely absurd but now as she sat into the silence provided by her little girl, Stacey felt nothing but serenity into her heart.

"You were right, mom. Sometimes silence heals more than words ever can." Stacey spoke gently with her eyes closed. 

She opened her eyes and bent down slightly to kiss Stella's cheek who sighed again and snuggled deeper into the light brown soft toy. Stacey tucked the blanket to Stella's chin and stood up from the bed. Giving one last glance to her daughter, Stacey sent a silent prayer to the heavens to keep her daughter safe. Finally, she left the room and descended downstairs.

Stacey sighed as her stomach growled, protesting for keeping it from food for so long. Stepping into the kitchen, she did not switch on the light as by now she had memorized the way into the kitchen. She took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and poured its contents into the glass. As the cool water hit her throat she felt better instantly. Keeping the bottle back at its place, she tried to fond something to eat but frowned as she found only fruits which she was not in the mood to eat.

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now