24. Teasing

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Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.



Next day Stacey was unusually quiet and her eyes were swollen. Nathan just chuckled at the silly jokes cracked by Stella while Darius kept on stealing glances of Stacey. Last night, he did not think that he would reveal his biggest and darkest secret like that. It was not that he did not want to tell her but he was waiting for the right time where he would be able to hold Stacey in the security of his arms whilst revealing such a dark part of his life. He knew it would come out like a shock, breaking her down and crumbling her just like it happened the other night. When he knew Stacey ran away to her room to cry, he tried to follow her but was stopped by his father.

Nathan said that it was necessary to give some alone time to Stacey which was hard for Darius as he knew she would be having a panic attack. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a jovial Stella being followed by a tired looking, red-eyed Stacey. His heart twisted, causing him immense pain at her sorrowful state.

"Stacey, you sure you want to go to work today? You do not look fine. You can use some rest." Nathan said softly, knowing very well how disturbed she was.

"No, I am fine, Uncle. Moreover, we have fashion shows to work for. I want to give my best so that I won't be fired or have to resign." Stacey mocked Darius, remembering her last fashion show.

Nathan was about to say something but Darius beat him by saying, "You do not have to worry about that. We all know you will be great. So a day off will not hurt anyone."

"Thank you but I don't need a day off, Mr. Brooks." Stacey said, wiping away her mouth.

"Momma, done. Now we will go to the play way." Stella said adorably, bouncing her legs.

"Yes, sweetie. Now momma will take you to the play way." Stacey stood up and Stella mimicked her actions.

"I will be seeing you in the corporation then." Nathan stood up as well and turned to Darius with a warning glare, saying, "Don't you dare skip your lunch and take medicines without any protests. Hope will be here in an hour. Am I clear, Darius?"

"But why can't I go to the corporation? It gets boring, living alone." Darius frowned, throwing up his hands in air.

"Darius Nathan Brooks, don't argue with me. Just take rest without bothering Hope, okay?" Nathan scolded his son which earned him a soft giggle from Stella. He gave her an amused smile.

"Momma, Grandpa scolds Sun like a kid." Stella giggled and looked at Darius this time who instead of getting annoyed, laughed along with her which made her astonished for a second but her laughter did not die down.

"Princess, come here." Darius said gently.

Stella stopped laughing and a suspicious look formed on her face, nonetheless, she went towards Darius with soft, hesitant steps. She craned  her neck upwards and stood silently, waiting for him to speak up.

Darius crouched down to her level and with a weak smile said, "I am sorry. Sun is so, so, so sorry, princess."

Stella glared at him. Putting her hands on her waist, she tried to look intimidating and said sharply, "You are not forgiven. You hurt me and momma."

Darius stared at the little girl with shock written over his face. He had never seen her acting so boldly for she had always been shy. But soon that shock turned into a smile as he realized how much stubborn and feisty Stella looked just like her mother. He knew that Stella cared for her mother and if needed would put up a fight too for Stacey. His eyes shifted towards Stacey's face who had a wide, proud grin plastered over her face which made his insides turn warm. 

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now