21. Suffering

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When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help.

~Thich Nhãt Hąnh


Everyone had taken different time slots to be at the hospital whilst Darius' surgery was going on except Stacey who only went back for an hour because Stella was becoming restless without her mother. The surgery lasted for seven hours which were nothing but complete torture for everyone.

Now Dr. Carlos came out with a transparent file in his hand which had every detail of Darius' surgery. Stacey stared at him with wide hopeful eyes as her hands clutched the multicolored long skirt she was wearing.

"How is Darius, Dr. Carlos?" Victor asked, nodding towards the operation theater.

Dr. Carlos looked between Stacey and Victor with tired eyes as he handed over the file to a nurse to keep it in his clinic. Then his lips broke into a glimmering smile as he said, "Better than I had expected him to be. The surgery was a success though actual position will be revealed once he will be back to his senses. He flat lined on us for once and honestly saying I gave up right there. But then suddenly his heart started beating again. It must be a miracle for it is not everyday you see your patient's life getting sucked out of him only to be restored. He is really lucky to have people who prayed for him."

While saying about miracle and prayer, Dr. Carlos' eyes were fixed on Stacey who nodded at him gratefully. It did not go unnoticed by the doctor how Stacey's eyes dulled once he told about Darius getting flat lined but her eyes lit up so much that the green along with bright yellow was completely visible in her eyes when doctor said that Darius' got his life back. He knew that Stacey was praying for Darius throughout his surgery.

"I am glad his life was given back to him but is it normal for patients to flat line and get back their life?" Lucas asked curiously.

Dr. Carlos shook his head and said, "As I said earlier it is a complete miracle because I was about to switch off the machines but then Darius heart beat started and he woke up with a jolt. That was the only point in the surgery which gave me hope that nothing will happen to him and now he is fine. At lease as fine as he could be right now so congratulations everyone."

"Thank you, Dr. Carlos." Nathan shook the doctor's hand whilst Sophia gratefully smiled at him.

"So when are you going to shift him to the room?" Hope asked.

Doctor did not have to reply as two nurses were already shifting Darius him to the room. Stacey's eyes welled up with tears as she peaked at Darius' pale face but still a soft smile lit up her glistened eyes.

"Wait." Stacey said softly and nurses halted right there.

Everyone looked at Stacey with curious eyes as she went towards Darius' stretcher with hurried steps. She kept her hand on his head, caressing his soft hair, kissed his forehead, letting her smiling lips linger at his cold skin. Her smile widened at the coldness and familiarity of his skin against her warm lips. She looked at him longingly and said softly, "Get well soon.." She took a deep breath and with tears in her eyes said, "..baby."

With that she stepped away and let the nurses go.

"We shall leave for now. Girls must be waiting for us and Vanessa and Johan have a family event to attend so I guess they should not be held down to babysit the girls anymore." Lucas said to Sophia who nodded her head.

Hope left with Sophia and Lucas whilst Victor went back to his office as well. Nathan smiled at Stacey and hugged her gently. She placed her head against his chest and sighed.

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now