12. Care

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To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care enough and be there. 



Stacey woke up as the soft and warm breaths tickled her ear. She opened her eyes but closed them instantly as she buried her face into Darius' shirtless chest. She sighed softly as the warmth coming from Darius' embrace felt heavenly. She was about to put her arm around his torso when the events of last night flashed in her mind. Her hand froze midway as her eyes flew open. Her breathing quickened up and it got hard for her to breathe as Darius' arm held her tightly. She inhaled, finally feeling air reaching her lungs. She laid on her back, staring at the ceiling. With a sigh she looked at Darius whose half face was pressed against the pillow with his mouth slightly ajar. Despite the hurt and anger, she was unsuccessful in stopping the wide smile from reaching her lips as she found Darius adorable with the serene expression on his face.

Somehow, she managed to free herself from Darius' grip and went in the balcony. She took a deep breath and felt at ease as the fresh morning breeze kissed her in front of her which were easily visible from the balcony even though they were at some distance. As her mind wandered, the heart-wrenching words of Darius from the previous night made her tremble and finally she understood that he had witnessed her in the most vulnerable and the thought of being judged by him did not sit well with her.

Stacey closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. The words from last night rang in her ears loud and clear.

'You always like to bloody take her away from me, making me feel pathetic.'

'I cannot get any fucking better.'

'You are a bloody nuisance to me and nothing more.'

As the voice became louder than before, Stacey saw her tears dripping on the black railing of the balcony. Her hands pressed against her ears to get rid of the voices but they only went louder. taking a shaky breath. She rushed towards her room, not sparing a glance at anyone. She went in the bathroom and emptied her stomach, feeling sick.

After puking her guts out, Stacey sat against the wall, feeling her head pounding. Slowly she stood up and rinsed her mouth. After brushing her teeth she took bath for half an hour. The voices were still there, yelling at her and even mocking her but they were showing mercy by not being too loud. Stacey dressed up in her jeans and white blouse as she did not feel like wearing pencil skirt for the office and went to Stella's room only to find it empty. She frowned, looking around the room. Going downstairs, she heard Stella's laughter mingled with someone's giggles.

"Good morning, momma." Stella chirped and hugged Stacey's legs as soon as she saw her mother standing next to her.

"Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" Stacey kissed Stacey's cheek who nodded her head but pouted afterwards.

"But you did not kiss me night." Stella said, staring at her mother with a frown.

Stacey felt guilty. Crouching to Stella's level, she hugged her and showered her with kisses, earning giggles in return.

"Is momma forgiven, sweetie?"

"Buy me Oreo Ice Cream then you forgiven." Stella said and her eyes lit up, thinking out the creamy dessert.

"Sure sweetie." Stacey stood up and looked at Hope who witnessed the exchange between mother and daughter with intensity.

"Good morning, Hope."

Hope nodded her head and said, "Today I will pick up Stella from her play way if you don't mind."

Stacey smiled and said, "I won't mind that."

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Where stories live. Discover now