creative is not in my dictionary

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I got tagged by chimstae
And I wouldn't do it if she's not scary :(

Lol jk. I'm at work and  I was super bored.


~ you must post the rules

~ you must answer all 13 questions, and make 13 more for the people you choose

~ tag 13 ppl. .....uhm

~ you can't say " I don't do tags" √

~ you have a week to answer

~ make a creative title  l o l ×

1. Ub and bias wrecker/s ?

Bts hoes.
UB Jmin and bias wrecker Hobi (i have lot of others but non of them is close as hoseok)

2. Halsey or Melanie?

Melanie and Halsey

3. What fandom were u in back then?


4. Thoughts when 4minute disbanded.


5.seventeen or exo?

Not a fan of them but seventeen bc wonwoo

6. Fav ship?

V kook!

Yeah right^

You'll never guess it but it's Jikook

7. A ship you dislike?,
Now the answer is Vkook...

8.Fav fanfic of all the time?

Uhm... First jikook ff I read: Sickly

9. Angst, fluff or smut?

Lot of angst with little bit of not so little bit smut

10. Do you love me?

Yes I love you, I mean why not?

11. Why do u talk to me?

I do?

13. This questions suck ass doesen't it?

I see what you did there...or you did it by accident?
Anyway. ...nah I had f u n answering them

Oh now give me few hours to think of my questions.


1. One idol you would like to collab with Jimin?
2. Girl UB?
3. Do you share love for khiphop with me?
4.  Are you more talker or listener?(like when u talk to your friend or idk)
5. idol/s that makes you smile?
6. Have you ever went naked swimming?
7. Female idol you would change with for a day?
8. Vanilla or chocolate?
9. 4 more questions?
10. One night stand with Jungkook or all day just to hang out with Vmin?
11. I'm really out od ideas?
12. 3 reasons to love Jimin?
13. Have u ever stalk my profile (u can't say no so I don't look lame)

So......literally onw hour later I wrote these^

I tag:


I don't talk to my followers or they don't talk to me ..idk
so this is gonna ne awkward

idkso this is gonna ne awkward

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