1- Fluffy present

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I stared at that teddy bear that was in his hand. 

So cuddly I thought.

 ˝Uhm, Jimin?˝  I looked up at him and shook my head.

 ˝Take him, it's my gift for you. You can hug him while I'm gone.˝ he pressed the big teddy bear at my chest.

Well this is awkward.

 ˝It have your shirt on˝  I whispered while hugging him. He let go of it and I hugged the teddy even tighter. 

˝Yep, your favorite shirt of mine.˝  he said while looking down at me. I was in love in that fluffy bear. I smelled his shirt and giggled. 

It still smell just like him. 

He cleared his throat few times before I spoke.

 ˝Are you sick?˝ I asked him while kissing teddy's cheek.

˝'No, I'm just jealous. " he said with a low voice. 

"We talked about it. You know I can't be ju..." he didn't let me to finish  

"JIMIN! I know that. But...˝ he stepped closer.

 ˝ Right now I'm jealous of that teddy bear.˝ I blushed at his words and looked up at him.

 ˝I wan't a kiss too.˝ he finished and I put that bear down and leaned closer to kiss him.


I was walking back home after I said goodbye to him at the airport. 

I'm sure a month will past really quick. I will miss his touch. 

I looked at big bear again. 

˝But I think you will be a good replace for him.˝ I put my head up and saw a girl.

 Look at her staring at my teddy.

 Back off.
I hugged him tighter and started walking faster with my head down low. 


I came to my house and walked to my room.

I saw my mom talking on the phone. I really wanted to show her what I got so she can say that shes happy for me and hug me and kiss my cheek, thats all.

 She looked at my direction but ignored me, I smiled when she turned back and walked inside my room.

 I sat on my bed and placed my teddy next to my pillow. It fits perfectly. I took a picture and send it to him.


 " I'm going out." My mom yelled and I just sight.

It hurts less when shes not here. Now I can actually call someone to come here and give me some attention.

 I was thinking. 


Who do I want right now?

Maybe Yoongi?

Nah hes always too rough, not today hyung.

 I took my phone from bed and dialed a number. 

˝Is this my favorite baby?˝ He answered and I giggled.

˝'It's me, it's me!˝ I squealed and lay down on my bed. 

"I'm alone hyung. Can you come over?˝ I asked already knowing his answer. 

 "Sure baby, I'll be there after I shower okay?' 

 'Okay I will waiting for you. And uhm I will make something to eat.' With that I hang up.


 I made popcorn and I found cake my mom made. She never told me when she made a cake or anything sweet. I put the cake on a plate and brought it to my room. 

After 15 minutes I heard the doors. I jump from my bed and run downstairs.

 "Hobi Hobi HOBIIII!!" I yelled and jump on him. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me up. I kissed his cheek while my legs are wrapped around his waist. 

˝You look really good little baby˝ he whispered and I blushed.

 I moved my head back and looked at him. 'And you hyung. you smell yummy.˝


Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz