Chapter 1

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Daniel's POV:

         "OK COME ON HUSTLE!!" I yell at the kids as they're coming to rest on the benches from a long game. "Okay guys we did pretty good for the first game of the season, but we have to really put our minds into the game next time. Okay I'll see everybody at practice on Friday." I say and dismiss everybody.

      A man with blue jeans and a red button - up walks towards me and puts his hand out, which I shake. "Hi, I'm Joey Graceffa." He then let's go of my hand. "Daniel Preda, coach of the Kickers. Anything I can help you with?" I ask. "Well me and my son are new to the town and I was wondering if my son, Max, could maybe join the team?" He says with hopeful eyes.

      "Umm...I don't have my papers with me, but here's my number, I should have the papers with me on Friday at practice. Feel free to stop by. Oh and make sure Max wears some clothse he can practice in. Dont hesitate to call me if you habe any questions." I say and hand him a card with my number on it. "Thank you so much." He says shaking my hand once again. I nod my head in response.

      "OK let's go Max!" Joey yells at his son, who is playing with my son, Nick. I smile and walk over to the benches to grab the soccer balls and the water bottles left over by the kids. Nick and Max say their goodbyes. Joey puts his hand on Max's shoulder as they make their way to the car.

     "So are you and Max friends now?" I ask Nick with a smile. "Yeah, but guess what!" He says with the biggest grin wanting me to guess. "Ummm...He has a card collection like you?" I guess knowing that's not it. He laughs, "No, his dad is gay, just like you!" The words bring a blush to my face. "Well that's cool I guess!" He nods and we get into the car.

     " So how about some icecream bud?" I ask since we played a good game. He smiles and nods buckling up. (safety first kids) We make our way to the diner and order two banana splits. "So did you win the game kiddo?" The waiter, Darlene asks Nick. "Yeah I even made the winning goal!" He answered back excitedly.

We finish our icecream and head back to the car and pull out of the parking lot. "Hey Dad, can Nick come over after practice on Friday and spend the night?" He asks with puppy dog eyes. "You'll have to ask his dad, but I'm fine with it." I say with a grin knowing Joey will be there.

    Hey guys I hope you liked the first chapter, also I need a cover which I'll put on later, but anyways yeah. I don't know a lot about soccer, so bare with me. I can't wait to keep going with this story!! Bye lovelies!! Be smiley, Don't be Gloomy!!😊💕

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