Chapter Fifty- Zhala

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I had managed to escape the King's Snatchers, yet Ria wasn't that lucky. As we ran through the city, one young man in black clothes had wrapped his arms around her and I didn't turn back.

She screamed my name, but I kept running and running and running.

Why did I even do this? What was the point? I bet Ace isn't even alive anymore.

After at least an hour of running, I ended up at the abandoned street where the Base was located. I quickly scanned my hand, glancing around.

I then hopped down the stair well, took the elevator, and ran into the open corridor, shoving past everyone.

I finally got to Apollo's room and knocked harshly on the door.

He answered with a neutral expression at first, but when he saw me, his eyes lit up and he looked happy to see me.

"Zhala!" He paused and looked around. "Where's Ria? Astrid's been worried."

I took a deep breath to keep myself from sobbing. "She was taken by Snatchers and I. . ."

Apollo grabbed my wrist, his nails digging into my skin. He guided me into his room. When he let go, he turned to me and pushed me down on the couch. He then walked into his room, grabbed some papers and came out with a stack of them in his arms.

He started searching through the papers at his desk.

I cleared my throat and grabbed the back of his shirt, trying to haul him up. "You need to help me!"

"Hold on." He slapped my arm away, stood up and we were suddenly running to the mail room.

"Tilly!" The black and white haired girl came sliding up to us, letters flying all over the place.


"I need Isaac's most recent letter." I've never seen him this urgent.

"Okay." She went to the back, grabbed one envelope and handed it to Apollo.

He snatched it out of her hand and started running back down the halls.

I followed him and I heard a distant, "Hey!"

Dear Mr. Reyes,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I have recently captured two of your little friends. One by the name of Ace Jaxon and the other Ria Perry.

I'd like to inform you now that Ace was recently killed by my men.

If you'd like your precious little Miss Perry back, I'd suggest you hand over Ryn Archer.

P.S. Terrin would like to challenge you, Mr. Vassen and Mr. Harold to a duel in exactly seven days.

~King Stephen

"Why did you steel Isaac's mail?" I questioned.

"I have permission to access his things and he told me that he was busy so I could check his mail."

I didn't respond.

"Will you drop this off at Isaac's door. He's most likely there right now." Apollo said, not looking up.

"Why is he 'so busy' if he's just sitting in his room?"

"Oh I forgot! You were gone for days." He taunted. "We found Ryn Archer so now he's kind of teaching her how to do things."

"Hmm. Okay." I skipped off to the elevator, going about two floors up.

I knocked on Isaac's door. He answered with an annoyed, gruff voice. "What." But when he saw it was me, he just looked surprised. "Zhala?"

I shoved the letter into his hand and went back to my room to feel bad about my life.

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