Chapter Twenty- Maritza

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"We haven't rebelled in a year. We should do it now, before the King's League bombs another train station, or a hospital." Mayris Sharma said, looking over the conference room table at Isaac.

Isaac Reyes, our twenty year old leader only grimaced at Mayris's demands. He was sitting slumped back in his chair, his arms crossed.

Mayris sat down, and a boy stood up. I glanced at his wrist. He was a knight.

He had blond hair. I remembered that this boy was Apollo Vassen, Zhala's knew partner and the leader of the Knights. He had the same posture as Isaac. Broad and confident. They could have been brothers, well except Isaac had dark brown hair and Apollo had blond hair.

"I agree with Sharma." Apollo called everyone by their last name. "We should rebel again before the King's League frightens England again."

Isaac didn't move.

The conference table had seven people at it. Isaac was at the front and center because he was the King Leader, I was next to him because I was the Queen Leader, Mayris Sharma, the Scribe Leader, Apollo Vassen, the Knight Leader, Ax Lewis, the Joker Leader, Astrid Perry, the Fool Leader, and Lux Carleton, the Peasant Leader.

Isaac seemed to almost consider something but he waved his hand. "Dismissed." The room cleared out and everyone went back to their business.

A few hours later, lunch time rolled around and I grabbed an apple and walked back into the corridor, went up the elevator and opened the door to my room. I sat at my desk, munching on my apple and organizing my work.

I noticed a small black box in the corner with a red ribbon on it. On the top, it read: To: Maritza S. There was a note on it too. I felt very skeptical of it. I grabbed the note and read it.

Don't keep this for more than twenty four hours.
Unless you want to die.

That's when I looked inside and realized. I literally grabbed the box and bolted into the corridor. I ran and ran and ran as far as possible, and when I thought it was too late, I threw it down the hall, plugged my ears and fell to my knees.

It didn't go off. It wasn't a bomb.

I must have glanced at it too quickly and just made a guess or something. I slowly got near it as it buzzed. A blue hologram showed up. I was still at least three yards away.

The hologram was of some old lady with red-gray hair. She had bags and laugh lines and almost every wrinkle you could think of. Then, my brain made the connection. This must be May Lynn Archer, the co-founder of the Rebellion. The note had said to get rid of it after twenty four hours so it must be crucial information.

May Lynn looked seventy. Unlike the pictures of her hanging in the "Hall of Fame" as we called it. In the pictures, she looked a fair thirty years old or so. I shrugged and watched her open her mouth to speak.

"Please enter the access code into the box to receive the message and prove you are of the Rebellion." She gestured to her feet and just below her little blue feet was a small keyboard.
"The King's modo." She winked and I sat there, a bit stumped.

King Stephen's modo? Why would. . . Oh. . .

With every inhale.

I typed that in and she smiled. "I am May Lynn Archer, co-founder of the Rebellion. Hopefully whoever received this message is a Rank Leader, but whatever." She shook her head and kept talking. "A few days ago, I left for a trip to New France." she shook her head. "But anyway,y daughter, Hally, was restricted from learning anything of the Rebellion and therefore has not inherited any of my Queen powers, but I'm also concerned for my granddaughter, Ryn." She paused. "She has run away from home and now I can't contact her, and I thought maybe she had found the Rebellion. I just hope, you could try to find her and train her, because I might pass and my daughter and her husband can't help her if she gains her powers."
The hologram went out and I grabbed the small device, put it in the black box and ran to Isaac's room.

I knocked rapidly on his door for the fifth time. "Isaac Reyes! Open the door!"

I almost knocked on his chin when he suddenly thrust open the door. I gasped and shoved the box in his direction.

"But I didn't know May Lynn had a granddaughter, let alone a daughter."

I shrugged. "We have to find her granddaughter for her." I paused. "I'll be back in a bit."

I walked out the door.

"Hey, Maritza!" One kid said.

"Not now, Terra." I speed walked to the mail room.

I shoved open the door. "TILLY! JAX!"

Two heads popped up out of the letters and boxes.

"Oh, Hi Maritza!" Jax said. "Have you--?"

"Not now, Jax." I cut him off. "I need you to tell me where this box came from." I handed him the black box and he inspected it and tensed up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This was actually only found on the doorstep of the abandoned cafe right next to the Base. We found it, read the top, and dropped it off in your room. "

"Okay. Are there any clues?"

"Um, well, we know whoever sent it knows the King group code, and they must know who May Lynn is. What if it is May Lynn who sent it?"

"It can't be, the initial was an F." I glanced at the box. "Why would May sign it as an F?" I stood there, stumped. "I think I might know who sent it, but it would make no sense. . ." It clicked all of a sudden. "Bye, Jax!"

"Wait! where are you going?"

"I'll be back in a bit!" I called over my shoulder.

I ran all the way back to my room, grabbed my things and left the Base.

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