Chapter Forty- Maritza

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"You shouldn't categorize someone based on what they can or can't do. Especially if it's blatantly obvious one is better than the other."

Francesca's voice kept echoing through my head as I sat uncomfortably on the bench in the subway station.

I was exhausted. Only one more subway and I was finally back at the Base where I could tell everyone about what I had learned.

I yawned loudly, my arms stretching out so far, I had almost accidentally punch an elderly man in the ear.

I sat awkwardly next to him for the rest of the ride.

As we pulled up slowly to our stop, I could see people gaping in awe out of the windows. What was so interesting about the inside of train station?

I stood up as high as I could, placing my hand firmly onto the rail next to me.

I realized that there were many broken pieces of concrete and asphalt lying in crumbling heaps.

There were curious mumbles spreading through the train as the doors slid open. Some people stopped to admire the indentions and ditches carved onto the center of the station.

I walked up to a nearby police officer. "Hello sir. What happened here?" I gestured at the damaged floors.

He crossed his arms. "Another attack," he eyed me suspiciously. "How did you miss it? It was all over the news."

"I was in a plane coming home from America." I glared at the young looking man and stalked off.

The halls of the Base buzzed with life and not processing what I was doing, I threw my bag into the floor and screamed, "MARITSA PIZZA IS HOME."

I got some concerned expressions, but I didn't care. I skipped off joyfully to my room, grabbing my bag off of the floor.

I was so close to running into my room and collapsing on my bed when I heard Isaac's voice from my left.

I groaned and stomped like a three year old. "Oh my God, can I go one day without some figure in black try to ruin my life?"

Isaac self consciously glanced down at his outfit and straightened out his leather jacket. "What?"

I smirked. I've never seen this insecure Isaac before. It was kind of funny.

"I just want a nap. Like why is my life so hard?" I was almost crying.

"I need you."

"Get Apollo to do it!" I bellowed.

"Shh! You do know how late it is right?"

I slowly shook my head.

"It's three in the morning."

I stayed silent as he briefly explained how Ria and Zhala went venturing for Ace-who was captured by the King's League. He told me how he wanted me to get a search party together and blah blah blah. . .

I wonder how many unicorns it took to get to the moon. Ooh! How many slices of pizza-no bacon! My brain seemed to go into airplane mode. My feet left the ground and I was blasted forcefully through the roof, away from Isaac and his problems, away from my issues--

"Maritsa?" I blinked about thirty times before realizing that he had been taking to me this whole time.

"Did you hear anything--?"

"Yeah, yeah. Search party. Ria. Ace. Zhalalala. . ."

And I was out as soon as my cheek hit my pillow.

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