Chapter Fifteen- Rex

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We ran into guards as soon as we stepped into the courtyard. I trained as soon as one of them said, "Halt!"

I brought out my spear that was strapped across my back and decided to put my knife back into my waistband.

There were five guards. Two were lean and tall. One was short and stocky, another was definitely not fit to be on the King's league, and the last was at least 5'3.

They were wearing black and they carried medieval swords. I still don't understand why they did that. I mean, we do that at the Base too, but we still have a gun handy.

As soon as one of the tall ones charged at us, we started fighting. Gemma ran at the stocky one and Indigo took on the other tall one. I was worried for her until she started running under his legs and sliding around him, dodging every blow. I of course got the first tall one and the overweight one just stood in the background. I didn't care for him. I stabbed my spear at the guard but he dodged. I tried again and it hit him in the shoulder. He fell on the ground, screaming.

The overweight one just stared at me with cowering eyes. I pretended to throw my spear at him and he collapsed onto the stone ground, clutching himself, screaming bloody murder.

I rolled my eyes and ran over to help Gemma when I heard a shriek. I whirled around, thinking it was Indigo, but it was just the guard. She was running around in a zig zag motion slicing at his arms with her knife.

The tall guard fell to his knees and collapsed face first into the ground.

Gemma yelled my name and I turned around just in time to see the guards sword flying at my face. I ducked just in time and kicked him in the shin. His knees buckled and I thrusted my spear at his stomach. As the spear flew into him, I saw out of the corner of my eye Indigo turn her head to look at the ground.

I strapped my spear across my back and Gemma and Indigo handed me the knives.

We eventually climbed the gate, jumped it and ran far away from Buckingham Palace.

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