Chapter Forty Four- Serena

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No one paid any attention to the crazy girl who walks into a police station in pajamas at one in the morning. I was very surprised, but then I realized that these people have seen it all before.

I ran up to the front desk. "Good. . . Uh, good morning sir. I'd like to report a kidnapping."

He looked at me with a bored expression. "Who. Where. What."

I huffed. "Jeremy Scott. Riversing Road."

I threw my Porta onto the desk and the sound seems so widen up his droopy eyes. "I have evidence right here."

The man slowly dragged the device across the desk and pressed a few buttons. It replayed every single message Jersey sent me.

Hearing his voices made my stomach churn.

I forced myself to listen to every message on the device.

The police officer look perplexed as the last message was played and abruptly ended.

"Donigan!" The man snapped his fingers and an attractive young man in a full police uniform came hipping out of the back hall.

He glanced at me in my pajamas and then at his boss.

"Yes sir?"

"Escort this young woman back to her house and report back here in a few hours or so." He paused and looked me in the eye. "We'll find your friend."

The young man Donigan walked me out of the station and down the street. He skimmed my outfit again and said, "Trying to make a fashion statement?"

I clicked my tongue."No."

He was that kind of person.

I looked up at his dark blue eyes. "I don't appreciate you making that statement, considering the dangers that my best friend is in."

"I didn't insult your friend, now did I, miss. . ?"

"Serena." I crossed my arms."But it was still off topic and this is a very serious situation."

"Well Serena, I'm Beyvan Donigan, and I hope you know that we'll be spending a lot of time together."

"And why is that?"

"You see, I am a detective. So, I am the lead in the case. So, you have to confide in me if you want to find your friend."

I gave a low growl and stalked ahead of him.

As soon as we got to my house, I ordered him to stay put as I put on some real clothes.

I threw on a cherry red hoodie and some skinny jeans and stalked out the door.

I was surprised to see him still standing in the driveway.

"So, where do we start?" I asked.

"You're not following are you?"

"Well, of course I am!" I threw my arms in the air. "I'm going with you."

He just groaned and we walked another few streets to the police station, and grabbed a patrol car and drove off.

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