Chapter Thirty One- Serena

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I felt genuinely sad, betrayed, and confused as I realized Ryn was gone.

I what world would Ryn leave her two best friends?

In a world full of shit, that's what.

I sighed and kept walking alongside Jeremy. He seemed to be even more miserable than me-his head was lowered toward the sidewalk and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Jeremy?" I stopped him in his tracks.

He didn't respond. Didn't even look up. I just stood there,wondering if Ryn even cared about us in the first place. Had she been some sort of damn spy this whole time?

He began to look around and that's when I noticed how close we were to my own house. Mine was modernized- unlike Ryn, who lived in the Reserve.

I told Jeremy that he should get going because my mom would have a fit if she knew I was sneaking friends into the house.

He groaned and I blinked impatiently. "Come one now, it's getting late and your house is very far from here."

He trudged down the road and that was when I lightly closed the door, thinking of what I had done to make Ryn leave.

It was early morning when I awoke to the sound of my Porta buzzing. It was a small device that acted as our alarm clock, our news source, and our mirror.

I put my thumb against the screen so it would stop vibrating. I leaned over to see why it was going off- considering I don't set my alarm on the weekends.

Forty-nine missed calls from Jeremy. He had tried to contact me. I pressed the Repeat button and listens to every audio message he had sent me.

9:34 pm
"Serena, I think someone's following me. I can't see anyone, but I can hear something."

9:50 pm
"It won't go away. Serena- help me."

9:59 pm
"I'm hearing footsteps now. . ."

10:04 pm
"I think I'm going insane."

10:28 pm
"Can you pick me up or something? This is really freaking me out."

10:30 pm
"Please don't tell me I'm the only one hearing this . . ." He got quiet- as if to let me listen to the silence. Then, there were footsteps echoing. It was so loud even the Porta picked it up.

The next message seemed even closer to his mouth. He must be hiding.

10:37 pm
"Serena, I think whatever that was is hunting me down."

In the next message there was a laugh that didn't belong to Jeremy and something like metal on metal and then the audio cut off and the next message played.

A deep, gruff, voice spoke into the Porta in a huff.

10:59 pm
"Long live the King." The voice gave a hearty laugh and that was the end.

The next message was just silence in the night.

This happened hours ago. Either Jeremy is dead or he is being held

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