Chapter Thirty Five- Ace

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Usually they would put us in Buckingham Palace, but I guess we were special or something.

We were locked up in the castle.

By we I meant myself and a blond haired boy named Jeremy. He claims to have been hunted down after his best friend was recruited by Isaac.

He first told me she was "kidnapped" by a young man in black on the street and I asked him what the man looked like.

I knew he was taking about Isaac as soon as he said, "gruff voice and an angry expression."

We sat in our little pathetic cells, staring out the painted black window that blocked any sort of light. I will really never understand these people.

"How were you captured?"

I looked up at his big blue eyes. They had dark bags now that we no longer slept.

"I was actually outside of my base when a few Snatchers from the King's League sprang up on me." I paused. "What about you?"

"I was walking home and it was late." He ruffled back his fluffy blond hair so it stopped flying in front of his blue eyes. He was quite charming.

He noticed me staring and said, "Taking your time ordering off the menu are we?" I snorted. "Am I that attractive and sexy or am I just some boring old cellmate."

"You're no boring cellmate I'll tell you that." I said, pulling my t-shirt over my knees.

I glanced back at him. He was sleeping with his head rolled back on his right shoulder, snoring so loud that maybe all of London could hear it.

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