Chapter Thirteen- Zhala

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We made it into a place called "the Base". It was a place where all the Rebels hid from the government and hung out, practicing their powers. They lived here. They were like my old college dorms, except they weren't temporary.

I walked down the brightly lit halls with Nyx in front of me and Maritza behind me. There were white doors with golden numbers on them. So far, the golden numbers were in the 200s and were getting bigger.

We stopped at 325 and Nyx grabbed my wrist and pulled it under a box like device in the wall. As soon as we got to the Base, they had me take a weird physical test and then tattooed. On my wrist was a barcode and a symbol above it. The symbol was a black quill from back in the medieval times. I turned to Maritsa, knowing Nyx was busy scanning my wrist.

"What does the quill mean?" I asked. She smiled and said, "You know that test you took like half an hour ago?" She asked. I nodded. "That was to see what rank you are."

"Rank?" I questioned.

"Every person who is born has a power. That's what the doctors discovered back in 2056. That's why if you're good at athletics, you'd be ranked as a Knight, because you would be good at that certain thing." She paused. "Everyone on the plant has a power. It's just no one knows about it because the King's personal surgeons who discovered it were ordered not to share it with anyone because he didn't want an uprising. "

"How do you guys know this?"

"We may or may not have had some of those doctors work for us." She shrugged.

"Since we all have powers, how come some of us can't use them, but you guys can?"

"It's weird, because since we know we have powers, we have adapted to using them more and more and it's now way more extreme. For example, if you're parents had already known about their power and practiced them for years, then you gained their power when you were born, then you would already have your power to the extreme."

"Um. . . So the citizens of London--- or the world--- don't know about their powers so it's not strong in them?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"What is my rank?" I said glancing down at my wrist.

"You're a Scribe. That means you will write down and create the plans."

"Plans for what?" I crossed my arms as soon as Nyx let go of my arm.

Nyx looked up at me. "Plans to kill King Stephen of course." She said in a taunting voice.

I'm going to make the plans to kill the king.

As soon as the shock subsided, I changed the subject. "What's you're rank?"

She rolled up her leather jacket's sleeve and showed me her wrist. On it was a black tiara. She rolled her eyes and stated in a bored voice, "I'm a Queen. I am the co- ruler and of the Rebellion."

Maritza held up her wrist as well. "Same."

The door beeped twice and instead of open ending to the right like all the modern buildings do nowadays, I looked down to see a handle. I opened it. It felt unnatural holding the brass nob. The room was so. . . Ancient.

It was definitely some abandoned building from the early 2000s.

There was an old soft brown sofa and the walls were white. In modern houses, the sofas were hard and looked like old park benches. They weren't for sleeping or relaxing like they were back then, they are now for have conversations or just drinking tea.

The rooms were cozy and small.

"This entire building was made in 2020. People thought it would be cool to build an underground hotel, but for some reason it never opened so we've been using this as our base for a while." Nyx said.

"When did it--?" I started.

"I don't feel like giving a history lesson today." She spat.

Maritza laughed. "Salty today, are we?"

Nyx glared, showed her one of her fingers and stalked out of the room, her black boots stomping.

Maritza just rolled her eyes and turned back to me. "Any more questions?" She said with a smile.

"Two. One: where is everything? And two: can you change your power?"

"One: I will pair you up with an experienced Scribe who will show you the way and train you until you're good on your own along with a partner, so no need to worry, they will be here tomorrow at six so be ready. Two: No, you can't change you're power if you already have one. You're born with the power you have. There's no transitioning. If you have no power then we train you, and if you come in not knowing you're power, you just take the Physical test like you just did and Nyx had done a few days ago.

"So, since my parents didn't know they had a power and they never tried to improve on it, I get to train my power?"

"Yup." Suddenly, someone down the hall yelled her name and she perked up. "See you in the morning!"

And she left.

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