Chapter 16: Behind the Walls.

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*Chase's POV* 

The gates were ahead of us. Guards stood at the top of the walls. They stared down. Handling their guns quite stupidly. They tossed them in the air and spinned them around. One of the soldiers threw their rifle at other. That one got beat up. 

"Well, this looks cozy." I stated out loud.

Andrew and Rory both made muffled sounds. Andrew was currently trying to hide under the dashboard. Wasn't really working out for him. He ended up turning completely around. Ass on the floor and feet in the air.  

Rory on the other hand, was silent. Just like always. Her gaze was faced outside. Eyes clouded and a stormy expression covered her face. She had been silent throughout the whole trip. The trip equaled out to about a half an year in total traveling time and the silence had only  increased.  We just wanted this to end.

I did, I wanted everything to go back to 5 years ago. Almost 6 years ago when my biggest worry was why Rory wouldn't sleep with me. I would like to say that I had successfully grown since then. I still was my conceded, asshole self but, I saw myself as less. Maybe not a whole lot less but enough to make a difference. 

A tapping on the window brought me back to the present. I rolled the window down and stared at the guy standing there. He looked about 30, with worry lines and a scowl/frown. I couldn't tell the difference. Either way he stared at Andrew with a hatred.  

"Andrew..." he said. The guy's voice was really deep. It rumbled and sounded strange. Like he had a broken part in it. 

"Trevor..." Andrew said, correcting his seating position.

Looking back and forth between them, I totally blanked. Who was Trevor again?

"What are you doing here?" Trevor said, narrowing his eyes at the shrugging Andrew.

"Getting a hamburger, been quite peckish over the past, I don't know, 3 years is it now? Yeah, love you too Bro." 

Trevor grumbled before motioning to his guards. The gate opened and we strolled in behind a very slow walking Trevor. 

The place was huge. It was like a tiny city behind the walls. People walked around, looking at our vehicle. They made it seem like we didn't belong. It was like when you're late to class and then everyone stares at you. Yeah, like that except on a much bigger scale. Like a few thousand scale. There was a lot of fucking people in here. 

"This way." Trevor pointed to a garage that already had the door open. 

The place gave me the creeps. Everyone just stared. Wind blew and it made the signs creak squeakily. 

After the car was in place, Trevor pointed us in the direction of his office. He strolled across the place in confidence. Kind of like he owned the world and everything in it. What a fucking prick. 

"This way!" Trevor called out to us again. We trailed behind him down a stair case. The stairs were compacted so we had to descend in single file. Trevor fist, Andrew next, then me and Rory at the back. The dog (nameless still)  was currently being treated to treats from the soldiers near the car, I had a feeling that he wouldn't be following us to Trevor's office.  

Trevor quickly stepped down the stairs, each step echoing through the tight walls.

"Hey you coming?" I asked Rory since she was slowly following behind. 

She looked up from the ground at me. 

I was standing on a few lower steps then her, patiently waiting for her to follow. 

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