Chapter 9 Who knew? ;)>

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It's been a month in this school and two weeks since i've talked to Erica- the goth girl and i'm still a loner! I've gotten quite used to it now and i'm learning to accept it. I walk into school with my usual bored expression. I see Erica and a boy and two girls who also look gothic by her side. They walk over to me. " Jasmine, where have you been? I want you to meet my friends- Hunter, Adrienne and Deseree she said pointing to these ghosts. They actually looked cool. " Hi " i said. " Heey" they replyed. OkAy.

I had Maths next and I liked it because Erica was in my class. We never concentrated instead just threw paper balls at people's backs. I was in History doodling away on my book when i heard some girls laughing at a nerd who was panicking as one of her pens leaked. I looked at the girls to see they were the popular girls also known as the 3 sweeT's because one was called Taylor, the other one was Tara and the 'Boss' of them was Tiffany and i had all three of them in my History class great!. They all wore clothes which Britney Spears would wear and were only the designers. They whipped their perfectly highlighted hair  every so often and re-applyed their make-up. The only thing i liked about them was that they always stuck up for eachother, i've always wanted a friend like that.

The bell rang for Maths and i got up after sitting threw a whole hour of  History class. I walked to maths exitedly. " Layla come sit here" Said Erica. " My name's Jasmine." I say a little offended she forgot my name. " Nooo, It's Layla It means night. You have to have a nickname to be like us" She said rolling her eyes. "Oh sorry, ok."  " Ughh don't be silly, you dont have to, you can still become one of us!" She said with a gloomy smile. "No, actually, i like Layla" I say. I never thought a goth would be this nice to me. We sat all lesson fidgeting and laughing and kicking people bags and being really naughty. I felt more energetic than usual. I like this vibe!

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