Chapter 7 Friendless... :(

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A/N : Thank you everyone who has been bothered to actually read this really good book! Please give me a chance, so sorry for not uploading as my little demonic brother broke all the keys to the only laptop my house owns. I am on holiday writing this on my good friends laptop. Please give me a chance to fufill my dreams and become an author please don't give up on me, you lovely people! 

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It's 9:00am and i'm in bed. It's Friday and i haven't been in school for the whole week! You would whack me in the head for this, buuuuut, i-i starved myself! Yeah i know it was stupid but i don't know much about dieting and you NEED  the figure for gymnastics. And also doing this acrobatic move-thing i broke by back bone and now i can't even walk let alone jump around like a loon. I feel awful, i knew gymnast wasn't my thing and i'd end up losing or breaking something of mine, but i ssoo wanted to get out of the stupid nerd without being a loner. UGHH what was this stupid american clique school doing to me!? I feel like a different person and the nerds don't deserve me leaving them just like that.  I gotta' leave this gymnast clique and apologise to the nerd clique. 

I got out of bed and grabbed my crutches which i 've been provided by the doctor for the times i need to go to the toilet. And private places * eyebrows raised* .... Not really.

I got to go school. I washed my face "forgetting" to brush my teeth. I pulled out a black jumper which had a studded skull picture and pulled on a pair of black skinny's.

Dad was at work or else he would slap my bum right back to bed. I  walked gloomily to school reminding myself why i was doing this while i could be in the comfort of my bed. Then i saw a shopping trolley to oneside and the most ridiculous idea popped into my head. I looked around and you probably guessed what happened next. yup, there i was going 90 miles per hour, down the road. I headed straight into the gates of my school. I could get used to this! 

I staggered down the playground to the reception. Struggling with my stubborn crutches, a boy looked at me smiling, heading my way. 'Oh god' i thought as i hid my face with my hair.

I finally came to the familiar reception and told my details to the receptionist so she could mark me in. I knew i had free period so i went to the library to return some books i had borrowed.

As i walked into the spacious library i saw the table i once sat on full of my ex-friends or aqquaintances, shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill TUT TUT. I walked away only to turn again with some faith. " Look guys, i know you probably hate me right now, for what i did but i'm really sorry i just wanted to get out of your clique, cause i'm soo not a nerd Okaayy" They all stared at me with their mouth agape. I rewinded what i had said. 'great going!' my thought bubbled dripping with sarcasm.  " Omg i am soo sorr- " we KNOW what you meant" Sheba spat. " you do!" i said. " yeh you didn't want to look bad with us, we GET IT!" She shouted looking at me with hurt. 

" Nooo" i said. They all got up and out of the library without a second glance. I felt really bad. The bell rang. Lunch. Not good. I went into the canteen and looked at the variety of food. Salad, macaronicheese. Forget the salad i ain't starving myself any longer. i bought the delious mac and cheese. I turned around to see the table full of the gymnasts. I walked over there and they all stared at my macandcheese before there mouth fell completely open. " Do you know how many calories are in that -thing!!" a brunnette gymnast screamed, throwing her pale hands in  the air. I sighed.  " Look guys, i haven't been in all week because i broke my back bone,-literally beacuse of this stupid acrobatic move." They all gasped at that part. " a-and all you people can think about is how many calories this plate of food has!" i said totally pissed. Ciara got up and held my shoulders. " I'm really sorry about your backbone and all but your not part of the gymnast quad anymore, i'm sorry" She said. " Look, maybe we could be friends?" I say desperately.  " Maybe not.." She says. And with that i turn around and cry silently. I had a new start, a chance and threw it all away. Who says theres always a happy ending? Not my timetable, i've got MATHS next! Let me put myself out of my misery!

SOO? What do you guys think? Please comment! love you purple ponies! xxxx <3 ;)

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