Chapter 1 : a new start :)

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So here we are in this new place away from our home school area FOREVER! Anyway the journey was the worse journey of my life! I’m not even exaggerating. I hate to admit it, but, I have a phobia of SPIDERS! And I nearly died because of this little brat on the plane came jumping round bopping people with this fake toy spider! The ones you get in newsagents for a pound. Maan I should’ve seen that coming! Anyway back to reality, dad came out of the plane, loaded with suitcases while tackling some odd boxes. I came out with two small suitcases. “ Well that was hell of a journey”, dad said, all worn out.  “ya’ think!” I replied sarcastically.

We both sighed in relief as it was over, although I still had that slight feeling of nausea. We caught a taxi to our new home. I looked out the window of the taxi, seeing the huge MacDonald’s signs, the constant chatter of the American people and the huge whiff of hot chips. My stomach grumbled, making me feel sick and hungry at the thought of fish and chips.  

My mind was buzzing with different thoughts, questions and emotions, I swear I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Then there was my dad, arm around me reassuring me everything was fine.

I loved my Dad. He was such a pleasure to be around. He really helped me through the hard times, like when my mum died. My mum. She was beautiful, black silky hair that was always out, marble black eyes, a fixed grin- she could pass as a doll! She was asian and had this light coffee coloured skin. She was really good at art, she specialised in Indian embroidery. I especially loved it when she drew paisleys with my glitter pens I got for Christmas. I came out like my dad, pale with caramel brown hair.

My mother died of sudden cancer, when I was fourteen, I’m turning sixteen this June. It was awful, me and my dad used to cry every night for her, luckily I had someone to cuddle up to and take advice from. Rosetta. She was a housemaid, who came after my mother died. My dad insisted we had one, and that he didn’t want me to be alone, I refused to this kind suggestion, but he was doing it for me. I guess when Rosetta came along, she and I clicked. She was this huge lady with rosy pink cheeks, short curly blonde hair and huge arms to cuddle me with. She made me feel like I was five again. She was ever so bubbly, so happy, she even used to bake me cookies and cakes and she even used to call me cute names like, honey bun, toffee bear and cherry pie! Rather than boring old Jasmine! She was the grandma I never had. All this ended when dad got this huge job in America. Yes, I left my home, my friends, my school, my dog, Rosetta, it was like losing a big part of me.

Dad then spoke breaking into my thoughts, “don’t look so worried Jazzy, you’ll fit in”. That’s the thing. Fitting in.


  Dad fished out a tenner out of his pocket, handing it to the fat taxi driver, “ keep the change, mate”. The taxi driver nodded at him and drove away. We both stood infront of this cream coloured house that had a driveway. “ well this is it”, dad said sighing.

 “ yep, I guess so”, I said, making a move to the door.

 We both walked in to a small hall, with cream walls, a wavy glass mirror and a small cabinet under the staircase. ‘Not bad’ I thought.

As dad went in the rooms to have a look I dropped the bags and sprinted up the stairs. It was a two bedroom house, perfect for me and my dad. I went into the room which looked like my dads. It was a sky blue colour with a big marble wardrobe and two big windows which were lightly covered by satin green curtains. I guess the person who left this room for my dad had a thing for him too. 

I stepped into the next room hoping it would be as lovely. But no. I have this scruffy bedroom with torn wallpaper, teal green and floors all worn out. I heard sudden footsteps as dad came to join me in my so-called room. “ Oh dear, I guess this room will need a bit of work then.” He said surprised.

“ When can we get started?” I asked determined. One of my many hobbies was Art, creating and exploring different kinds of artwork. He sighed trying not to disappoint his daughter. “ pleease!” I whined.

 “ Tell ya’ what , we’ll unload some bags, have some tea then we’ll pop down to the local B&Q”,he explained.

 “ Thanks! You're the best dad ever!” I sang. I had some bland tea and stale bread for my tea. After, me and Dad  went to this household store to buy a pot of pink paint and dad had ordered a hot pink carpet, things were starting to brighten up! I then did an hour of unpacking! The joys of moving! Sense the sarcasm in my words?

 Then there was school. I haven't started my new school yet but I had a feeling it was going to be pretty bad!

 So hey guys! hope you like it so farr! i'm kinda new at this whole thing soo..yeahh ;) Picture of Jasmine to the side >>>


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